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CfA: Expression of interest for postdoc in theoretical computer science/ logic and artificial intelligence, Warsaw (Poland), deadline: October 30

Dear all,
In the upcoming months, we anticipate openings for up to two postdoctoral positions at the Institute of Fundamental Technological Research, Polish Academy of Sciences, located in Warsaw, Poland. We are looking for candidates with expertise in one or more of the following areas:
1.	theoretical computer science
2.	logic
3.	computational learning theory
4.	computational social choice
5.	artificial intelligence
6.	machine learning
These positions will be part of a new research group focused on theoretical issues in machine learning and AI. Candidates are expected to collaborate with the team while enjoying significant flexibility in selecting their research topics. There will be no teaching duties.
Additionally, we may offer a position to a predoctoral candidate who would be expected to join the Institute's doctoral program next year. The initial contract will be for one year, with the possibility of extending for up to two more years. After three years, candidates with strong research performance may be considered for a tenured position.
We hope to publish the official job announcement by the end of the year. However, we encourage interested candidates to express their interest by reaching out to tsteifer@ippt.pan.pl before October 31.
Best regards,
Tomasz Steifer

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