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CfP: LAMAS&SR 2024: International Workshop on Logical Aspects of Multi-Agent Systems and Strategic Reasoning, 11 December, Online

LAMAS&SR 2024 - Call For Papers (new format and dates)

International Workshop on Logical Aspects of Multi-Agent Systems and Strate
gic Reasoning (Online, free participation) 11th December 2024



Logic and strategic reasoning play a central role in multi-agent systems. L
ogic can be used, for instance, to express the agents' 

abilities, knowledge, and objectives. Strategic reasoning refers to algorit
hmic methods that allow for the development of good behavior for the agents
 of the system. At the intersection, we find logics that can express the ex
istence of strategies or equilibria and can be used to reason about them. T
he LAMAS&SR workshop merges two international
workshops: LAMAS (Logical Aspects of Multi-Agent Systems), which focuses on
 all kinds of logical aspects of multi-agent systems from the perspectives 
of artificial intelligence, computer science, and game theory, and SR (Stra
tegic Reasoning), devoted to all aspects of strategic reasoning in formal m
ethods and artificial intelligence. Over the years the communities and rese
arch themes of both workshops got closer and closer, with a significant ove
rlap in the participants and organizers of both events. For this reason, th
e two events have been unified under the same flag, formally joining the tw
o communities. As such, the LAMAS&SR workshop aims to bring together resear
chers working on different aspects of either logic or strategic reasoning i
n computer science, artificial intelligence, and multi-agent systems resear
ch, both from a theoretical and a practical viewpoint.



The topics covered by LAMAS&SR include, but are not limited to:

* Logical systems for specification, analysis, and reasoning about MAS
* Logic-based modeling of multi-agent systems
* Dynamical multi-agent systems
* Deductive systems and decision procedures for logics for MAS
* Development and implementation of methods for verification of MAS
* Logic-based tools for multi-agent systems
* Logics for reasoning about strategic abilities
* Formal aspects of mechanism design, verification, and synthesis
* Formal aspects of knowledge representation and reasoning
* Logical foundations of decision theory for multi-agent systems
* Strategic reasoning in formal verification
* Automata theory for strategy synthesis
* Applications and tools for cooperative and adversarial reasoning
* Robust planning and optimization in multi-agent systems
* Risk and uncertainty in multi-agent systems
* Quantitative aspects in strategic reasoning
* Neuro-symbolic AI for multi-agent systems



* November 10th, 2024: Paper submission deadline
* November 20th, 2024: Acceptance notification
* November 25th, 2024: Registration
* December 11th, 2024: LAMAS&SR 2024 workshop (online)



Authors are invited to submit extended abstracts of up to 4 pages plus 1 pa
ge for references only, in the format of the KR 2024 conference (KR24_autho
rs_kit.zip). Both published and unpublished works are welcome. Submissions 
are subject to a single-blind review process (submissions should not be ano
Although there will be no formal proceedings, accepted extended abstracts w
ill be available on the workshop website. Submissions must be in PDF and wi
ll be handled via CMT, using the following link:


Submissions from PC members are also allowed. Since the workshop will have 
informal proceedings, extended versions of the accepted papers can also be 
submitted elsewhere.


The workshop will be held online and registration will be free for all atte



The informal proceedings will be available as a single PDF file from the wo
rkshop website. Extended and revised versions of the best papers presented 
at the workshop will be invited for a journal special issue.



Workshop Chairs

* Angelo Ferrando, University of Modena and Reggio Emilia
* Munyque Mittelmann, University of Naples Federico II
* Aniello Murano, University of Naples Federico II

Program Committee

* Catalin Dima, Universit Paris Est- Crteil
* Chenwei Shi, Tsinghua University
* Emiliano Lorini, IRIT
* Fenrong Liu, Tsinghua University
* Francesco Belardinelli, Imperial College London
* Francesco Spegni, UNIVPM
* Giuseppe Perelli, Sapienza University of Rome
* Guy Avni, University of Haifa
* John-Jules Meyer, Utrecht University
* Martin Zimmermann, Aalborg University
* Sasha Rubin, University of Sydney
* Thomas gotnes, University of Bergen
* Valentin Goranko, Stockholm University
* Wojciech Jamroga, University of Luxembourg
* Yanjing Wang, Peking University


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