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CfP: "Recent Advances in The Philosophy of Logic" (routledge) for junior scholars, deadline: 1 März 2025

Publisher: Routledge (Taylor&Francis), philosophy of logic special collection.

Collection title: “Recent Advances in The Philosophy of Logic”

Call for Papers:

We invite junior scholars (up to 3 years after PhD graduation) to send papers to be considered for a Routledge collection on the philosophy of logic.

The central purpose of this collection is to offer a venue for young philosophers to present their ideas and contribute to shaping the debate going forward. Philosophy of logic constitutes one of the founding disciplines of the analytic tradition. In the past two decades, there have been a number of exciting developments in the field, creating new trends that go beyond traditional debates. This collection will showcase research further developing these trends. Edited collections tend to focus on the work of well established scholars and, as such, they tend to emphasize what has been said in the past. This collection instead focuses on new cutting edge research that will shape the debate in the future. It will contain some articles from established scholars providing a frame for articles authored by junior scholars, which will be the core of the collection.

Relevant trends include:

  *   The justification of logic;
  *   The relation between logic and science;
  *   The Monism-Pluralism debate;
  *   The meaning of logical constants.

Possible questions addressed:

  *   Is mathematics reducible to logic?
  *   Is there a sharp boundary between logic and mathematics?
  *   Is logic foundational to other disciplines?
  *   Does logic need a foundation?
  *   Is logic a priori or a posteriori?
  *   What should be the methodology of logical system choice?
  *   Is logic absolutely general?
  *   What is the subject matter of logic?
  *   What does it mean that a logic is correct?
  *   How are correct logics justified?
  *   Is there only one true logic?
  *   What are the prospects of sub-structural and meta-inferential logics?
  *   Is inferentialism true?
  *   What is the relation between logic and the empirical sciences?
  *   What is the relation between logical methodology and practice?

Statement of inclusion: We support affirmative action and strongly encourage applications from underrepresented groups in the field. If you self-identify as a member of such a group, please say so in the title page. Our ability to provide equal representation depends on the pool of submissions we will receive.

Submission deadline: March 1st, 2025.

Submission guidelines:

  *   Word count: max. 8000 words (including abstracts and footnotes, not including bibliography);
  *   Articles should include abstracts of approximately 300 words;
  *   Free format submission: Feel free to use any readable submission format (e.g. Times New Roman, 12 points, 1.5 spacing);
  *   Blinded for peer review: Please prepare your articles for blind peer review (omit names, affiliations, self-identifying references etc.);
  *   Attach a separate file (title page) containing:

     *   article title;
     *   author(s) name(s);
     *   institutional affiliation(s);
     *   current position;
     *   contact details;
     *   time since PhD graduation;
     *   statement on whether you self-identify as a member of an underrepresented group in the field.

  *   Where to submit: Submit to teodortibericalinoiu@ln.hk<mailto:teodortibericalinoiu@ln.hk>, with subject “Recent Advances in The Philosophy of Logic.”

Check out the PhilPapers page: https://philevents.org/event/show/126878

Editors: Daniele Bruno Garancini (danielebrungarancini@ln.hk<mailto:danielebrungarancini@ln.hk>) and Teodor-Tiberiu Călinoiu (teodortibericalinoiu@ln.hk<mailto:teodortibericalinoiu@ln.hk>).

For further information, interested scholars can contact Teodor (teodortibericalinoiu@ln.hk<mailto:teodortibericalinoiu@ln.hk>), with email subject “Recent Advances in The Philosophy of Logic.”
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