Logic List Mailing Archive

Announcement: "History of Logic" Seminar Series (hybrid: Naples + online)

Comment by the Moderator of the LOGIC List:
The list does only announce the announcement of a new series
or the re-announcement of an annual series and not all their talks.
So to keep being informed you need to subscribe to their list
(See below)


Dear All,

Starting from this year, the University of Naples Federico II will organise
 a seminar series in the history of logic. The seminar series will take pla
ce annually, with monthly talks held either online or in person in Naples (
remote attendance will be available).

Please find below the schedule of the first series:
*  Antonio Piccolomini d'Aragona: Nov. 25 2024
*  Samuel Descarreaux: Dec. 10 2024
*  Zuzana Rybakov: Jan. 22 2025
*  Matteo Cosci: Feb. 6 2025
*  Georg Schiemer: Mar. 6 2025
*  Pasquale Frascolla: Apr. 10 2025
*  Gran Sundholm: Apr. 23 2025
*  Nikolay Milkov: May 29 2025
*  Gabriella Crocco: Jun. 9 2025
*  Francesca Biagioli: Jun. 26 2025

The title of each talk, together with the time and the link to access the Z
oom room, will be announced in due course. Alternatively, you can subscribe
 to the dedicated mailing list by writing to historyoflogicnapoli@gmail.com

The website of the seminar series is already online. You can find it at thi
s link: https://sites.google.com/view/holnaples. There you will also find a
 brief illustration of the guiding principles of our project.

For any questions, please do not hesitate to reach out.

Antonio Piccolomini d'Aragona

Homepage<https://sites.google.com/site/piccdarag> - ORCID<https://orcid.org

CFvW Center, University of Tbingen (DFG Researcher)
DISPOC, University of Siena (Adjunct professor)
CGGG, University of Aix-Marseille (Associate member)
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