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CfA: Research Fellowship 1y (Borsa di Ricerca) in Probability and Logic, University of Cagliari (Canada), deadline: October 17

The Department of Mathematics and Computer Science of the University of Cag
liari just opened a one-year Research Fellowship within a project at the in
tersection between  Probability Theory and Logic.

The ideal candidate has a background in Probability theory (specifically in
 the "momentum problem") and possess also a knowledge of MV-algebras.
Here's a brief description of the research activity to be carried on.

In this one-year fellowship the candidate is expected to investigate solvab
ility criteria for moment problems on unital algebras in collaboration with
 the MAPS' team. The final aim is to apply these results to the existence p
roblem of an integral representation for faithful states of a MV algebra. A
n 3 appropriate reformulation of this problem as a (possibly infinite-dimen
sional) moment problem is then required. Moment reformulations have been pr
oved to be useful also in applied problems like the N-representability prob
lem in quantum chemistry, which involve non-commutative algebras and matrix
-valued moment problems. There fore, a parallel study of the moment reformu
lation of the N-representability problem could be helpful to model the appr
opriate reformulation for the abovementioned problem for MV algebras.

Duration: 1 year
Where: University of Cagliari, Department of Mathematics and Computer Scien
ce (supervisors: Stefano Bonzio and Maria Infusino).
Salary: 1600 euros per month (approx), the fellowship is free of taxes.
Deadline for application: October 17th, 2024.
Expected starting date: January 2025.

The official call (unfortunately in Italian only) can be found here: https:
//web.unica.it/unica/protected/467854/0/def/ref/DOC467853/ (the call is n
 23/2024 with Dr. Stefano Bonzio as responsible)
For any inquiries, please contact Stefano Bonzio (stefano.bonzio@unica.it<m
ailto:stefano.bonzio@unica.it>) or Maria Infusino (maria.infusino@unica.it<

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