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CfNomination: The Covey Award 2025, deadline: Nov 30

Dear Colleagues,

On behalf of the executive board of the International Association for Compu
ting and Philosophy (IACAP), we seek nominations for the 2025 Covey Award.

The Covey Award recognizes senior scholars with a substantial record of inn
ovative research in the field of computing and philosophy broadly conceived
. Recipients of the prestigious award include:

2024: Johannes Lenhard (Rhineland-Palatinate Technical University)

2023: Oron Shagrir (Hebrew University of Jerusalem)

2022: Shannon Vallor (The University of Edinburgh)

2021: Helen Nissenbaum (Cornell University)

2020: no award

2019: John Weckert (Charles Sturt University)

2018: Deborah G. Johnson (University of Virginia)

2017: Raymond Turner (University of Essex)

2016: Jack Copeland (University of Canterbury)

2015: William J. Rapaport (University at Buffalo, The State University of N
ew York)

2014: Selmer Bringsjord (Rensselaer Polytechnic Institute)

2013: Margaret Boden (University of Sussex)

2012: Luciano Floridi (University of Hertfordshire)

2011: Terrell Bynum (Southern Connecticut State University)

2010: John R. Searle (University of California, Berkeley)

2009: Edward N. Zalta (Stanford University)

The Covey award will be presented at the 2025 joint IACAP and AISB conferen
ce organized at the University of Twente, Netherlands. Call for papers and 
symposia will follow in due course.

Please send your nomination(s) through our online form:


For full consideration, please submit your nomination no later than the end
 of November. This year, the nominations are first considered by our newly-
formed award committee, who will make their recommendations to the IACAP bo
ard. If you have any questions concerning the nominations, please reach out
 to me (bjorn.lundgren@fau.de) and the chair of the awards committee, Tom P
owers (tpowers@udel.edu). Please CC Brian
(brian.ballsun-stanton@mq.edu.au) for technical queries.

All the best,
Bjrn Lundgren
Vice President, International Association of Computing and Philosophy
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