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CfP: SI of the Journal of Logic Language and Information on "Dynamic Logic - New Trends and Applications", deadline: January 31, 2025

*** Call for Papers ***

Dynamic Logic - New Trends and Applications
Special Issue of the Journal of Logic, Language and Information

*** Important Dates ***

- Manuscript submission deadline: January 31st, 2025
- Author notification:  April 30th, 2025
- Revised manuscripts due: June 30th, 2025
- Publication by August 31st, 2025

**** Overview *****

Following the successful 2022 and 2023 editions of the Workshop DaL - Dy
namic Logic: New trends and applications, it is our pleasure to announce th
e possibility of publishing work on Dynamic Logic in the upcoming Special I
ssue of Journal of Logic, Language and Information.

**** List of Topics ****

Manuscripts are invited on the general field of dynamic logic, its variants
, and applications, including (but not restricted to):

- Dynamic logic foundations and applications
- Logics with regular modalities
- Modal/temporal/epistemic logics
- Kleene and action algebras and their variants
- The interface between logic and learning
- Quantum dynamic logic
- Co-algebraic modal/dynamic logics
- Graded and fuzzy dynamic logics
- Dynamic logics for cyber-physical systems
- Dynamic epistemic logic
- Complexity and decidability of variants of dynamic logics and temporal lo
- Model checking, model generation and theorem proving for dynamic logics

**** Guest Editors ****

Carlos Areces, Diana Costa, Nina Gierasimczuk, Fernando R. Velzquez-Ques

**** Submission ****

Submissions of original papers (unpublished and not submitted for publicati
on elsewhere), up to 30 pages (excluding references) are invited through th
e following website: https://www.editorialmanager.com/jlli/Default.aspx

(Select article type: Manuscript; then, in the step Additional Information,
 select special issue: S.I.: Dynamic Logic: New trends and applications).

Manuscripts should be typeset according to the JLLI guidelines (https://lin
k.springer.com/journal/10849/submission-guidelines). For LaTeX submissions,
 authors are encouraged to use the journal article template that can be dow
nloaded here: https://www.springernature.com/gp/authors/campaigns/latex-aut

To express interest in submission and for more information please contact N
ina Gierasimczuk at nigi@dtu.dk<mailto:nigi@dtu.dk>
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