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CfR: KI 2024: 47th German Conference on Artificial Intelligence, Sep 25 – Sep 27, Würzburg (Germany)

Call For Participation KI 2024
*47th German Conference on Artificial Intelligence* Sep 25  Sep 27, 2024
, University of Wrzburg, Wrzburg, Germany


Please register to participate!

KI is one of the major European AI conference series and traditionally brin
gs together academic and industrial researchers from all areas of AI, provi
ding an ideal place for exchanging news and research results on theory and 
applications. KI 2024 takes place at the Faculty of Mathematics and Compute
r Science at the Julius-Maximilians-University Wrzburg. This year, we ar
e excited to announce that the conference is jointly organized with the LWD
A 2024 conference [1]. The organization is carried out by members of CAIDAS
 und the Institute for Computer Science. Here [4] you can find more details
 about the venue and Wrzburg.

The technical program of KI 2024 comprises presentations of selected AI pap
ers and discussions, a panel, a doctoral symposium, as well as tutorials an
d workshops, plus keynotes by the following renowned AI experts:

    Elisabeth Andr (University of Augsburg): Amplifying Human-Human a
nd Human-Agent Interaction with AI
    Christian Baukhage (University of Bonn): Quantum AI / ML  Hype or

See also [2] for abstracts of the invited talks, and [3] for the overall pr
ogram. KI 2024 will also host the FBKI general assembly (Mitgliederversamml
For detailed program information and how to register and attend see:


Participation requires registration. Early bird prices are available until 
August 20, 2024, 23:59 (Berlin time).

KI 2024 is the 47rd edition of the German conference on Artificial Intellig
ence organized in cooperation with the AI chapter of the GI (GI-FBKI).

We hope to see you at KI 2024!

Andreas Hotho and Sebastian Rudolph
(KI2024 Co-Chairs)


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