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CfP: REACTS'24 - International Workshop on Reconfigurable Transition Systems, 5. Nov, Aveiro (Portugal)


International Workshop on Reconfigurable Transition Systems:
Semantics, Logics and Applications
2nd Call for Papers


Tuesday, 5 November 2024, Aveiro, Portugal

Satellite event of SEFM 2024 (https://sefm-conference.github.io/sefm2024)


Reconfigurable Transition Systems (RTS) are dynamic relational structures (graphs) that evolve along its execution, in the sense that their
accessibility relation, their set of nodes or their labelling change when their edges are crossed. These structures have proven to be suitable
 to compactly represent complex reactive and reconfigurable behaviours. Namely, the ability of reacting or readapting under the influence of
certain events is a very distinctive feature of many diverse situations and objects. An autonomous vehicle that changes its route due to a new
strike occurring, the behaviour of a software component after a memory disposal, or a DNA mutation as the result of a viral infection, are
different examples that witness the importance of modelling about changes in a determined situation. Practical user cases have aroused the
interest of the logic community in the study of variants of RTS, by developing formal methods to properly reason about such situations.

This workshop aims to bring together the whole community of researchers working on different ways to model reconfigurable and reactive
systems from a formal perspective. This includes theoretical approaches (like hybrid logics, reactive frames, model-update logics), or
formalisms designed for specific purposes (like separation logic in software verification, dynamic epistemic logic in AI planning, and others).
Also, our goal is to devise novel approaches and potential applications, and share a common perspective on the discipline.


Authors are invited to submit, via EasyChair research contributions or experience reports (https://easychair.org/my/conference?conf=reacts2024).

All papers should be written in English and prepared using the specific LNCS templates available at http://www.springer.de/comp/lncs/authors.html.

There are two categories of submissions

FULL PAPERS up to 12 pages excluding reference,   – to present
original research and the analysis, interpretation and validation of the research findings.

SHORT PRESENTATIONS up to 4 pages,  – to present work in progress and preliminary results.

Both kinds of submissions allow system descriptions,  to present a new tool, a new tool component or novel extensions to an existing tool
aiming at supporting open community approaches, or the use/customisation of an existing tool in the context of RTS.

Accepted Full Papers will be included in the workshop programme and will appear in the workshop LNCS proceedings.

Accepted Short presentations  will be included in the pre-proceeding (available online before the Workshop) but not published in the LNCS proceedings.


The scope of the workshop includes (but it is not limited to):

- Reconfigurable transitions systems
- Models for the analysis of reconfigurable systems
- Dynamic Logics, Separation Logics, Dynamic Epistemic Logics for RTS
- Applications of formal models for reconfigurable systems
- Computational tools to animate and analyze RTS
- Generalizations of RTS: Fuzzy RTS, Paraconsistent RTS, Weighted RTS
- Featured Transition Systems
- Bisimulations and general algebraic constructions
- Model Checking and Tools
-  Reactive systems and Process Algebra
- Applications of AI for RTS


Raul Fervari (University of Córdoba, Argentina)

Manuel Martins (University of Aveiro, Portugal)


Johan van Benthem (ILLC, University of Amsterdam, The Netherlands & Stanford University, USA)

Title: Graph Games and Dynamic Logics

Abstract: Taking games on graphs that change in play as our pilot case, we discuss the interaction of changing system structures and logic design.
We consider mainly three options representing different levels of detail: graph logics, game logics, and logics of dynamical systems, and raise some
current issues about translating and tracking between these. We also discuss one further current challenge: the effects of limited observation of a system
and the induced updates of observers’ knowledge and ignorance.

Lit. J. van Benthem & F. Liu, eds., Graph Games and Logic Design: Some Recent Developments, Springer Science, to appear


Sergio Marcelino (Universidade de Lisboa, Portugal)

Title: Logics for path-dependent systems: from reactive to switch frames and beyond

Abstract: Transition systems, where the accessibility relation evolves as edges are traversed, can be represented using graphs with higher-order arrows
 encoding path dependencies.This presentation will survey the origins and development of these concepts over the past 20 years. We will discuss the
intricacies of designing logics to reason over these structures and how incorporating fuzziness increases their applicability in concisely modeling a growing
range of dynamical systems.


Carlos Areces, Universidad Nacional de Córdoba and CONICET (Argentina)
Luis Soares Barbosa, Universidade Do Minho (Portugal)
Mario Benevides, Universidade Federal do Rio de Janeiro (Brazil)
Johan van Benthem, ILLC, University of Amsterdam (The Netherlands) &
Stanford University (USA)
Patrick Blackburn, University of Roskilde (Denmark)
Valentin Cassano, Universidad Nacional de Río Cuarto and CONICET (Argentina)
Madalena Chaves, Centre Inria d'Université Côte d'Azur (France)
Gabriel Ciobanu, Institute of Computer Science, Romanian Academy (Romania)
Diana Costa, Universidade de Lisboa (Portugal)
Stéphane Demri, CNRS, Université Paris-Saclay (France)
Hans van Ditmarsch, CNRS, University of Toulouse (France)
Daniel Figueiredo, University of Aveiro (Portugal)
Sabine Frittella, Université d'Orleans (France)
Dov Gabbay, King's College London (UK)
Sujata Gosh, Indian Statistical Institute, Chennai (India)
Andreas Herzig, CNRS, Université Paul Sabatier (France)
Juha Kontinen, University of Helsinki (Finland)
Sergio Marcelino, Universidade de Lisboa (Portugal)
Regivan Santiago, Universidade Federal do Rio Grande do Norte (Brazil)
François Schwarzentruber, ENS Rennes (France)
Igor Sedlár, Czech Academy of Sciences (Czech Republic)
Sonja Smets, ILLC, University of Amsterdam (The Netherlands)
Ionuț Țuțu, Simion Stoilow Institute of Mathematics of the Romanian
Academy (Romania)
Fernando R. Velázquez-Quesada, University of Bergen (Norway)
Fan Yang, Utrecht University (The Netherlands)


Accepted regular papers will be published by Springer in a volume of Lecture Notes in Computer Science (http://www.springer.com/lncs),
which will collect contributions to some workshops co-located with SEFM 2024.

Condition for inclusion in proceedings is that at least one of the co-authors has presented the paper at the Workshop.

Extended versions of selected contributions will be published in a special issue of the Journal of Applied Logics.


Paper submission:  20 august 2024 (AoE).  27 august 2024 (AoE)

Author notification: 20 September 2024.  25 September 2024

Workshop: 5 November 2024


If you have any problems or questions, please contact us via e-mail at:

rfervari@unc.edu.ar<mailto:rfervari@unc.edu.ar> / martins@ua.pt<mailto:martins@ua.pt>

Raul Fervari
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