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CfA: 3-Y Postdoc in Structures and Homotopy in Optimisation, Leiden (NL), deadline: Aug 30

Dear all,

I am currently looking for a postdoc to work on abstract structures in optimisation algorithms and theory. There are two directions: 1) understanding structures in algorithms via category theory and logic, and 2) developing further homotopy theory in optimisation by appealing also here to (higher) category theory.  Ideally, a candidate either has a strong background in optimisation algorithms and their mathematical underpinnings and would be willing to learn about structural methods from category theory, homotopy theory and higher category theory; or, alternatively, has a background in (higher) category theory and homotopy theory, combined with some understanding of algorithms and the willingness to dive into the subtleties of optimisation algorithms.

There is thus some leeway in the background, and mostly I am looking for someone who is willing to creatively engage in this project, and someone who can work together closely with me and researchers in our institute in optimisation.

The opening with a longer description and details for applicants can be found here:
More details can also be requested directly from me.

I would be very grateful if you could forward this vacancy to anyone who you think may be interested.

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