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CfP: Conceptual Knowledge Acquisition: Challenges, Opportunities, and Use Cases" workshop at CONCEPTS 2024, 9 - 13 Sept, Cádiz (Spain)

***CoKA: --- Final Call for Contributions***

DEADLINE EXTENDED TO: *August 7th, 2024* (23:59 AoE)

Conceptual Knowledge Acquisition: Challenges, Opportunities, and Use Cases

Workshop at the 1st International Joint Conference on
Conceptual Knowledge Structures (CONCEPTS 2024)

September 9-13 2024, Cdiz, Spain

Workshop Website: https://www.kde.cs.uni-kassel.de/coka/
Conference website: https://concepts2024.uca.es

Formal concept analysis (FCA) can help make sense of data and the underlyin
g domain --- provided the data is not too big, not too noisy, representativ
e of the domain, and if there is data in the first place. What if you don't
 have such data readily available but are prepared to invest in collecting 
it and have access to domain experts or other reliable queryable sources of
 information? Conceptual exploration comes to the rescue!

Conceptual exploration is a family of knowledge-acquisition techniques with
in FCA. The goal is to build a complete implicational theory of a domain (w
ith respect to a fixed language) by posing queries to a domain expert. When
 properly implemented, it is a great tool that can help organize the proces
s of scientific discovery.

Unfortunately, proper implementations are scarce and success stories of usi
ng conceptual exploration are somewhat rare and limited in scope. With this
 workshop, we intend to analyze the situation and, maybe, find a solution. 

- you succeeded in acquiring new knowledge about or building a satisfying c
onceptual representation of some domain with conceptual exploration before;
- you attempted conceptual exploration in application to your problem but f
ailed miserably;
- you want to use conceptual exploration to analyze some domain, but you do
n't know where and how to start;
- you are aware of alternatives to conceptual exploration;

then come to the workshop to share your experiences, insights, ideas, and c
oncerns with us!

Keywords and Topics
    Knowledge Acquisition and Capture
    Conceptual Exploration
    Design Patterns and Paradigmatic Examples
    successful use cases and real-world applications
    challenges and lessons learned
    application principles
    missing theoretical foundations
    missing technical infrastructure
    integration with other theories and technologies

Duration, Format, and Dates

We invite contributions in the form of an extended abstract of up to two pa
ges. In addition, supplementary material, such as data sets, detailed descr
iptions, or visualizations, may be submitted.

The workshop is planned for half a day within the conference dates and at t
he same venue. It will consist of several short presentations each followed
 by a plenary discussion.

Please send your contributions until *August 7th, 2024* (23:59 AoE) to tom.
hanika@uni-hildesheim.de<mailto:tom.hanika@uni-hildesheim.de>. If you are n
ot sure whether your contribution matches the topics or the format of the w
orkshop, you are welcome to contact the organizers prior to submitting the 
abstract. An acceptance notification will be sent within two weeks upon rec
eiving the submission.

Workshop Organizers

- Tom Hanika, University of Hildesheim
- Sergei Obiedkov, TU Dresden
- Bernhard Ganter, Ernst-Schrder-Zentrum, Darmstadt
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