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CfP: SAT 2024: International Conference on Theory and Applications of Satisfiability Testing 2024 Call for Participation , 18-21 August, Pune (India)

SAT 2024
International Conference on Theory and Applications of Satisfiability Testi
ng 2024 Call for Participation ==============

Important dates:

 - SAT 2024 conference: August 21 - 24, 2024
 - Workshops: August 20, 2024
 - Indian SAT+SMT School: August 18 - 19, 2024

Place: Tata Consultancy Services (TCS), Sahyadri Park - 2, Hinjewadi, Pune,
Website: https://satisfiability.org/SAT24/

About the conference

SAT 2024 is the 27th edition of the International Conference on Theory and 
Applications of Satisfiability Testing (SAT). The scope of SAT 2024 incl
udes all aspects of the theory and applications of propositional satisfiabi
lity, broadly construed. This also includes Boolean optimization, such as M
axSAT and Pseudo-Boolean (PB) constraints, Quantified Boolean Formulas (QBF
), Satisfiability Modulo Theories (SMT), Model Counting, and Constraint Pro
gramming (CP) for problems with clear connections to Boolean-level reasonin

SAT 2024 is the first time that SAT will take place in India. There will be
 co-located schools and workshops prior to the conference. The events are b
eing organized by TCS Research and Indian Institute of Technology Bombay.

Keynote Speakers

 - Martina Seidl, Johannes Kepler University, Austria
 - Cesare Tinelli, University of Iowa, USA
 - Moshe Y. Vardi, Rice University, USA


 - A "Best Paper Award" and a "Best Student Paper Award" will be announc
ed during the conference.
 - The "Fahiem Bacchus PhD Award in Satisfiability" will also be announc
This new award established by the SAT Association distinguishes one outstan
ding PhD thesis from the past two years in the field of Satisfiability, bro
adly construed. The award is named after Fahiem Bacchus who made significan
t contributions to the theory and practice of SAT as well as to the SAT com
munity and the SAT Association.

About the venue

The venue of SAT 2024 is Tata Consultancy Services (TCS), Sahyadri Park - 2
, Hinjewadi, Pune. Surrounded by the rolling hills of the Sahyadri ranges o
n three sides, this campus is a scenic and well-equipped setting for hostin
g SAT 2024. The campus has shared conference rooms, breakout areas, trainin
g rooms and a 500-seater multi-purpose auditorium.

Pune is the second largest city after Mumbai (erstwhile Bombay) in the stat
e of Maharashtra in western India. It is well-known for its salubrious clim
ate, rich culture, a vibrant theatre and classical music scene, and its aut
omotive and information technology industries. The city of Mumbai, with its
 associated tourist attractions, is a 3-hour pleasant drive from Pune.


The registrations for the conference, and the co-located schools and worksh
ops, are now open.

 - Early registration deadline: July 15, 2024, 23:59 AoE
 - Registration link: https://satisfiability.org/SAT24/registration.php

Grants & Travel Support

Grants and travel support are available for student participants. The detai
ls can be found on the conference website: https://satisfiability.org/SAT24

Co-located Schools and Workshops

 - Indian SAT+SMT school
  + Website: https://sat-smt.in/
  + Dates: Aug 18 - 19, 2024

 - Pragmatics of SAT
  + Website: http://www.pragmaticsofssat.org/2024/
  + Dates: Aug 20, 2024

 - International Workshop on Quantified Boolean Formulas and Beyond
  + Website: https://qbf24.pages.sai.jku.at/qbf/
  + Dates: Aug 20, 2024

 - Workshop on Counting, Sampling, and Synthesis
  + Website: https://mccompetition.org
  + Dates: Aug 20, 2024


Results of the 2024 editions of SAT competition, Pseudo-Boolean Solver comp
etition and Model Counting competition will be announced at the conference.


 - Diamond sponsors: TCS Research
 - Platinum sponsors: Artificial Intelligence Journal, Amazon Web Servic
 - Gold sponsors: Cadence, Synopsis
 - Bronze sponsors: Google, Microsoft


 - ACM India Council
 - Indian Association for Research in Computing Science (IARCS)

For more information, please visit https://satisfiability.org/SAT24/.

We look forward to seeing you in Pune!

Best regards,
SAT 2024 Organizing Committee

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