Logic List Mailing Archive

CfA: Associate Senior Lecturer in Logic, Gothenburg (Sweden), deadline: 27. August 2024

Dear Colleagues,

We are pleased to announce that the Logic Group at the University of Gothen
burg is seeking an Associate Senior Lecturer in Logic. This tenure track po
sition offers an excellent opportunity to establish your independence as bo
th a teacher and researcher, with the potential for promotion to a tenured 
Senior Lecturer position within five years. Furthermore, Senior Lecturers a
t our university can apply for promotion to a full Professorship based on t
heir achievements.

Primary consideration will be given to applicants who have been awarded a P
hD within the past five years from the application deadline.

Application Deadline: 27th August 2024
Job Ad: https://web103.reachmee.com/ext/I005/1035/job?site=7&lang=UK&va
Information about the Logic Group: https://www.logic-gu.se/

Please feel free to share this with interested colleagues.

Best regards,


Fredrik Engstrm

Associate Professor of Logic | Universitetslektor och docent i logik

Deputy Dean | Prodekan

Dep. of Philosophy, Linguistics and Theory of Science

Faculty of Humanities

University of Gothenburg

+46 - 31 - 786 6335
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