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CfP: Colloqium Logicum,, 7-9. October, Vienna (Austria)

                 COLLOQUIUM LOGICUM 2024

           *7-9 October 2024, Vienna, Austria*

       Abstract Submission deadline: 14 July 2024

The Colloquium Logicum is organized every two years by the "Deutsche Verein
igung fuer Mathematische Logik und fuer Grundlagenforschung der Exakten Wis
senschaften" (DVMLG). The next edition will be held from 7 to 9 October 202
4 in Vienna, Austria. The conference will cover the whole range of mathemat
ical logic and the foundations of the exact sciences.

Keynote Speakers.

* Carolin Antos (Konstanz, Germany)
* Libor Barto (Prague, Czech Republic)
* Moritz Mller (Passau, Germany)
* Aristotelis Panagiotopoulos (Wien, Austria)
* Francesca Poggiolesi (Paris, France)
* Nadja Valentin (Dsseldorf, Germany)
* Hugh Woodin (Cambridge MA, U.S.A.; Young Academy Distinguished Lecture)

In addition to the keynote talks, there will be a "PhD Colloquium" with inv
ited presentations of excellent recent PhD graduates, the award of the firs
t ever Ernst Zermelo-Ring, and a session celebrating 150 years of set theor

The programme committee invites the submission of abstracts for talks in al
l fields of research covered by the DVMLG. In order to submit an abstract, 
please send the following information to dvmlg@dvmlg.de in the body of an e
-mail (do not send attachments) by 14 July 2024:

   1. Name and e-mail address of the speaker;
   2. title of the talk;
   3. abstract (at least one sentence; at most 200 words).

If there are still slots for talks available after the deadline of 14 July 
2024, we may accept late submissions until the programme is filled.

Registration website:


Programme Committee. F. Jahnke, B. Lwe (chair), J. Murzi, M. Pinsker, & 


Organizing Committee. M. Aschenbrenner (co-chair), V. Fischer, S. Mller 
(co-chair), & G. Schiemer.

The Colloquium Logicum 2024 is generously funded by the sterreichische A
kademie der Wissenschaften (AW) with additional support of the Universit
y of Vienna and the Technische Universitt Wien (TU Wien).
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