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CfP: [extended deadline] ICTCS24: Italian Conference on Theoretical Computer Science, 11-13 Sept 2024, Turin (Italy)

Call for Papers
ICTCS 2024 - 25th Italian Conference on Theoretical Computer Science Septem
ber 11-13, 2024, Turin, Italy website: https://ictcs2024.di.unito.it/

Scope and Topics

The Italian Conference on Theoretical Computer Science (ICTCS) is the confe
rence of the Italian Chapter of the European Association for Theoretical Co
mputer Science.

The purpose of ICTCS is to foster the cross-fertilization of ideas stemming
 from different areas of theoretical computer science. In particular, ICTCS
 provides an ideal environment where junior researchers and PhD students ca
n meet senior researchers.

Contributions in any area of theoretical computer science are warmly invite
d from researchers of all nationalities.

The topics of interest include, but are not limited to, the following: agen
ts, algorithms, argumentation, automata theory, complexity theory, computat
ional logic, computational social choice, concurrency theory, cryptography,
 discrete mathematics, distributed computing, dynamical systems, formal met
hods, game theory, graph theory, knowledge representation, languages, model
 checking, process algebras, quantum computing, rewriting systems, security
 and trust, semantics, specification and verification, systems biology, the
orem proving, type theory.

Paper Submission

Two types of contributions, written in English and formatted according to S
pringer LNCS style, are solicited.

Regular papers: up to 12 pages excluding bibliography, presenting original 
results not appeared or submitted elsewhere. To ease the reviewing process,
 the authors of regular papers may add an appendix, although reviewers are 
not required to consider it in their evaluation.

Communications: up to 5 pages PLUS bibliography, suitable for extended abst
racts of papers already appeared/submitted or to be submitted elsewhere, as
 well as papers reporting ongoing research on which the authors wish to get
 feedback and overviews of PhD theses or research projects.

Authors are invited to submit their manuscripts in PDF format by accessing:

Submission Page:  https://easychair.org/conferences/?conf=ictcs2024

All accepted original contributions (regular papers and communications) wil
l be published on CEUR-WS.org.

For each accepted contribution, at least one of the authors is required to 
attend the conference and present the paper.

TCS Special Issue

Following the tradition, the authors of the very best papers presented at t
he conference will be invited to submit an extended version of their work i
n a special issue of Theoretical Computer Science journal.
Invitations will be sent out after the workshop. The target is to publish t
he special issue by the end of the year 2025.

Important Dates

Paper submission: 9 June 23 June 2024
Notification: 14 July 21 July 2024
Revised version for pre-proceedings: 25 August, 2024
Conference: 11 -13 September, 2024
Final version for proceedings: TBA

Program Committee

Michele Boreale (Universit di Firenze)
Paola Bonizzoni (Universit di Milano - Bicocca)
Marco Bernardo (Universit di Urbino)
Franco Barbanera (Universit di Catania)
Giuseppa Castiglione (Universit di Palermo)
Ugo de'Liguoro (chair) (Universit di Torino)
Annalisa De Bonis (Universit di Salerno)
Andrea Frosini (Universit di Firenze)
Francesco Gavazzo (Universit di Padova)
Dora Giammarresi (Universit di Roma Tor Vergata)
Roberta Gori (Universit di Pisa)
Ruggero Lanotte (Universit di Insubria)
Enrico Malizia (Universit di Bologna)
Viviana Mascardi (Universit di Genova)
Maria Chiara Meo (Universit di Chieti e Pescara)
Fabio Mogavero (Universit di Napoli - Federico II)
Carla Piazza (Universit di Udine)
Luca Padovani (Universit di Camerino)
Michele Pinna (Universit di Cagliari)
Sabina Rossi (Universit di Venezia Ca' Foscari)
Emilio Tuosto (Gran Sasso Science Institute)
Cosimo Vinci (Universit del Salento)
Margherita Zorzi (Universit di Verona)

Organising Committee
Ugo de'Liguoro (Universit di Torino)
Matteo Palazzo (Universit di Torino)
Daniele Pautasso (Universit di Torino)
Luca Roversi (Universit di Torino)
Riccardo Treglia (King's College London)
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