Logic List Mailing Archive

CfP: Roots and New Trends in Logicism Workshop, 11-13 September, Lisbon (Portugal)

Call for Abstracts - Roots and New Trends in Logicism Workshop

Dates:September 11-13, 2024
Location:Faculty of Humanities,University of Lisbon Submission deadli
ne:June, 30th

The "Roots and New Trends in Logicism" workshop brings together state of th
e art research on historical accounts and contemporary contributions to Log
icism. The workshop aims to foster discussion on the interplay between math
ematics, logic, metaphysics and epistemology, and stimulate future work on 
the field.

The programme consists of 6 talks by invited speakers and a 4-6 contributed
 talks. We welcome abstracts for the contributed talks on any topic related
 to (neo)Logicism, both from a historical and a philosophical perspective. 
Submissions by undergraduate students and young scholars are encouraged.

Contributed talks are expected to be 60 minutes-long (plus 30 minutes-long 

Please, send your abstracts (max. 300 words) tobmjacinto@ciencias.ulisbo
a.ptorjbmillan@ciencias.ulisboa.ptno later thanJune, 30th. Name
 and affiliation should be included in the submission email. Acceptance sha
ll be notified by July, 31st.

Confirmed invited speakers: Ludovica Conti (IUSS Pavia), Fernando Ferreira 
(University of Lisbon), Salvatore Florio (University of Oslo), Sbastien 
Gandon (Clermont Auvergne University), Gregory Landini (University of Iowa)
, Hannes Leitgeb (LMU Munich - MCMP).

The workshop is funded by the Centre for Philosophy of Sciences of the Univ
ersity of Lisbon
(CFCUL) and the Centre of Philosophy of the University of Lisbon (CFUL).

For more information or enquiries, please check thewebsite of the worksh
opor contactbmjacinto@ciencias.ulisboa.ptorjbmillan@ciencias.ul
Joan Bertran-San-Milln, Ph.D.
Centro de Filosofia das Cincias daUniversidade de Lisboa (CFCUL) Webs

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