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CfP: Toposes in Mondovì: School + Conference, :3-6 + 9-11 September 2024, Mondovì (Italy)

Dear Colleagues,

We are pleased to announce the following international event (school +
conference) on topos theory, which will take place in Mondov (Italy) fro
m 3 to 11 September 2024.

Please feel free to forward the information to anyone you think could be in

Best regards,
Olivia Caramello (on behalf of the Scientific Committee)

Call for participation

School: 3-6 September 2024
Conference: 9-11 September 2024


* Scope *

The event "Toposes in Mondov", which represents the fourth edition of th
e main international conference on topos theory, will consist of a four-day
 school, offering introductory courses for the benefit of students and math
ematicians who are not already familiar with topos theory, followed by a th
ree-day conference featuring both invited and contributed presentations on 
new theoretical advances in the subject as well as applications of toposes 
in different fields such as algebra, topology, number theory, algebraic geo
metry, logic, homotopy theory, functional analysis and computer science.

* School lecturers *

Marc AIGUIER (CentraleSuplec, Universit Paris-Saclay) Olivia CARAMELL
O (University of Insubria and Grothendieck Institute) Alain CONNES (IHES an
d Collge de France) Denis-Charles CISINSKI (University of Regensburg) De
nnis GAITSGORY (Max Planck Institute for Mathematics) Laurent LAFFORGUE (Hu
awei) Michael ROBINSON (American University) Isar STUBBE (Universit du L
ittoral-Cte d'Opale)

* Conference invited speakers *

Joseph BERNSTEIN (Tel Aviv University)
Paolo GIORDANO (University of Vienna)
Peter HAINE (University of California, Berkeley) Matthias HUTZLER (Universi
ty of Gothenburg) Asgar JAMNESHAN (Ko University) Maxim KONTSEVICH (IHES
) Hugo Luiz MARIANO (University of So Paulo) Axel OSMOND (Grothendieck I
nstitute) Hans RIESS (Duke University) Michael SHULMAN (University of Calif
ornia, San Diego)

* Scientific Committee *


* Organization *

Grothendieck Institute

* Short communications *

There is room for a few short communications (20 minutes long) at the confe
rence; if you wish to submit a one-page abstract for a short talk, please u
pload it through the conference website before the 30th of June 2024.

* Financial support *

There is a limited number of travel grants for attending this event availab
le for deserving students who are not funded by their own institutions. If 
interested in obtaining such a grant, please apply through the conference w
ebsite before the 30th of June 2024.

* Registration and contact *

Registration information is available at the conference website http://www.

If you have any queries, please send them to the conference e-mail address 


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