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CfA: 3 postdoctorial position quantum programming / program analysis / formal methods, Paris (France), deadline: asap

The  quantum software group @ CEA List, Universit Paris-Saclay, offers t
hree years fully-funded postdoctoral positions at the crossroad of quantum 
programming, program analysis and formal methods.


We are an emerging group in formal verification and static analysis of quan
tum programs, integrated in the Software Safety Laboratory of CEA List, Uni
versit? Paris-Saclay. Our long term goal is to design and develop formal te
chniques and tools enabling productive and certified quantum programming. E
specially, we develop Qbricks [1,2], a proof of concept environment for for
mally verified quantum programming language.

See our website at https://qbricks.github.io/ for additional information, d
etails for the position at https://github.com/Qbricks/qbricks.github.io/fil


We consider the standard quantum hybrid model, where a classical program bu
ilds a quantum circuit and sends it to a quantum co-processor. In these pos
itions, we are interested in verification mechanisms aiming at ensuring tha
t a quantum program implementation indeed satisfies its intended behaviour.
 Possibilities include, among others, ? high-level automatic verification o
f quantum programs for implicit program properties, ? design of verificatio
n oriented hybrid quantum programming languages ? high-level functional rea
soning for quantum programs, ? circuit-level automatic verification of quan
tum programs, ? verification of circuit transformation and compilation.

Keywords: quantum programming, compilation, formal verification, deductive


Applications should be sent to christophe.char...@cea.fr as soon as possibl
e (first come, first served). Candidates should send a CV, a cover letter, 
a transcript of all their university results,
as well as contact information of two references. The  position is expected
 to start in October 2024.

Advisors: Christophe Chareton (CEA), S?bastien Bardin (CEA)
Contact: christophe.chareton@cea.fr, sebastien.bardin@cea.fr

[1] C. Chareton, S. Bardin, F. Bobot, V. Perrelle, and B. Valiron. An Autom
Deductive Verification Framework for Circuit-building Quantum Programs. ESOP

[2] Christophe Chareton, Dongho Lee, Beno?t Valiron, Renaud Vilmart, S?bast
ien Bardin, Zhaowei Xu: Formal Methods for Quantum Algorithms. Handb. Forma
l Anal. Verification Cryptogr. 2023: 319-422
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