Logic List Mailing Archive

CfR: 2nd COMP Meeting in Philosophy of Logic and Mathematics, 6-7 June, Madrid (Spain)

2nd COMP Meeting in Philosophy of Logic and Mathematics

June 6-7, 2024
Complutense University of Madrid
Room 30, Faculty of Philosophy, Plaza de Menndez Pelayo


June 6 (Thursday)

16:00-17:15: Sergi Oms (University of Barcelona), Marta Campdelacreu (Unive
rsity of Barcelona), Vanessa Trivio (Complutense University of Madrid): 
"The Property-Inheritance Problem"

coffee break

17:45-19:00: Julio Robledo (Complutense University of Madrid): "An Antireal
ist Metaphysics of Identity"
aperitif and dinner
June 7 (Friday)

10:00-11:15: Alejandro Fernndez Cuesta (Complutense University of Madrid
): "In What Sense Are Quantum Logics "Quantic"? A Relevant Question in the 
Philosophy of Logic"

coffee break

11:45-13:00: Ismael Ordez (University of Santiago de Compostela): "Re
thinking Indeterminacy in the Land of Sets"


14:45-16:00: Carlos Villacs (Complutense University of Madrid): "The App
lication of Logic to Political Theory: An Approach to Liberalism within the
 Theory of Social Choice"

16:00-17:15: Dolores Garca (Complutense University of Madrid): "Antiexce
pcionalism about Logic: A Critical Assessment"

coffee break

17:45-19:00: Concha Martnez (University of Santiago de Compostela), Viol
eta Conde (University of Santiago de Compostela): "Understanding Modality b
y Understanding Essences"
aperitif and dinner

The workshop is organised by Vctor Aranda, Concha Martnez and Elia Za
rdini. There are no registration fees, but if you would like to attend plea
se let Vctor Aranda know at <vicarand@ucm.es<mailto:vicarand@ucm.es>>



Dr. Vctor Aranda
Assistant Professor
Department of Logic and Theoretical Philosophy
Faculty of Philosophy
Complutense University of Madrid

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