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CfP [Deadline extension]: TAP 2024: Tests and Proofs 2024, 9-10 September, Milan (Italy)

*Many good reasons to submit your paper to TAP*

TAP submission deadline has been extended to June 14 (with optional abstrac
t submission deadline June 12), see https://tapconference.github.io/2024/ f
or all information.

We are excited to announce that we

  *   Rosemary Monahan<https://www.maynoothuniversity.ie/faculty-science-en
gineering/our-people/rosemary-monahan> (Maynooth University, Ireland)
  *   Rdiger Ehlers<https://www.isse.tu-clausthal.de/ueber-uns/team-neu/
professoren-und-dozenten/prof-dr-ruediger-ehlers> (TU Clausthal, Germany)

will be this year's invited speakers for TAP.

TAP will be colocated with a number of long standing and reknown formal met
hods conferences in the week of September 9th in Milan, Italy. Namely:

- FM: https://www.fm24.polimi.it/
- FMICS: https://fmics.inria.fr/2024/
- PPDP: https://ppdp2024.github.io/
- LOPSTR: https://lopstr.github.io/2024/
- FACS: https://facs-conference.github.io/2024/

There will also be an industry day and workshops. The list of workshops is:
 FMxSL, PAVeTrust, CPA, Overture, and FMTea

We look forward to your submissions!

Falk Howar and Marieke Huisman
PC chairs TAP 2024

TAP 2024 - Call for Papers


The 18th International Conference on Tests and Proofs (TAP 2024)


co-located within FM 2024 (Formal Methods 2024)



Aim and Scope
TAP 2024 is the 18th International Conference on Tests and Proofs. TAP prom
otes research in verification and formal methods that targets the
interplay of static and dynamic analysis techniques with the ultimate goal 
of improving software and system dependability.

Research in verification has seen an increase in heterogeneous techniques a
nd a synergy between the traditionally distinct areas of dynamic and static
 analysis. There is growing awareness that dynamic techniques such as testi
ng and static techniques such as proving are complementary rather than mutu
ally exclusive. Notable examples that provide evidence for the potential of
 a combination of static and dynamic analysis are counterexample generation
 based on symbolic execution, the integration of SAT/SMT-solving in model c
hecking, or the combination of predicate abstraction with exhaustive enumer
ation. The verification of systems based on machine learning spurs novel co
mbinations of dynamic and static analyses, e.g., property verification of s
urrogate models that are generated through testing.

TAP's scope encompasses many aspects of verification technology, including 
foundational work, tool development, and empirical research. Topics of inte
rest center around the combination of static techniques such as proving and
 dynamic techniques such as testing.

Papers are solicited on, but not limited to, the following topics:

- Verification and analysis techniques combining proofs and tests,
- Static analysis of programs with the aid of dynamic techniques,
- Deductive techniques supporting the automated generation of test vectors 
and oracles,
- Deductive techniques supporting (novel) definitions of coverage criteria,
- Specification inference by deductive or dynamic methods,
- Testing and runtime analysis of formal specifications,
- Search-based techniques for proving and testing,
- Testing and Verification of systems based on machine learning,
- Verification of verification tools and environments,
- Applications of test and proof techniques in new domains,
- Combined approaches of test and proof in the context of formal certificat
ions (Common Criteria, CENELEC, ...), and
- Case studies, tool and framework descriptions, and experience reports

Authors are encouraged (but not required) to make the relevant artifacts av
ailable to the reviewers (and whenever possible publicly). Artifacts can be
 provided at submission time or after notification of acceptance and will g
o through a lightweight  reviewing process, handing out availability badges.

Important Dates

Abstract submission (optional):   June 12, 2024
Paper submission:      June 14, 2024
Paper notification:    July 5, 2024
Artifact submission:   July 7, 2024
Artifact notification: July 14, 2024
Camera-ready version:  July 19, 2024

Conference: September 9 - 10, 2024

Submission Instructions

TAP 2024 accepts papers of two kinds:

- Regular papers: full submissions describing
  - original research results,
  - tools, and
  - case studies
of up to 16 pages. For tools and case studies, the tool, framework, or case
 study described in a tool paper should be available for public use.
 - Short papers: submissions describing preliminary findings, proofs of con
cepts, and exploratory studies, of up to 6 pages.

All page limits exclude the references. Appendices may be included, but the
y will only be read by a reviewer at their discretion.

Regular and short papers must be original, unpublished, and not submitted f
or publication elsewhere.

Papers will undergo a thorough review process. The review process is single
 blind. Submissions will be judged on the basis of significance, relevance,
 correctness, originality, and clarity. The submissions will be reviewed an
d selected for publication based on the above-mentioned
criteria as well as suitability to the conference's technical program. Afte
r notification, all artifacts of accepted papers will be reviewed
with respect to their availability, consistency with and replicability of r
esults in the paper, completeness, documentation, and ease of use.
The papers will receive corresponding badges.

Accepted submissions will be published in Springer's LNCS series. Papers ha
ve to adhere to Springer's LNCS format and must be submitted in PDF
format at the EasyChair submission site:


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