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CfP: Sixteenth French Philosophy of Mathematics Workshop Wednesday, 16 - 18 October 2024, Nancy (France)

Sixteenth French Philosophy of Mathematics Workshop Wednesday 16 October - 
Friday 18 October 2024, Nancy, France

The call for contributions is extended until June 1st 2024.

The sixteenth edition of the French Philosophy of Mathematics Workshop (
FPMW) will be held from the 16th to the 18th of October 2024 at the Archive
s Henri Poincar, Universit de Lorraine, in Nancy.

The workshop program consists of six talks by invited speakers and four con
tributed talks (see the programs of previous editions of the workshop at 
the following address:
This year, the invited speakers are:
Sandra Bella (AHP-PReST, Universit de Lorraine) Elisabeth Bouscaren (IMO
, Universit Paris Saclay) Valrie Debuiche (CGGG, Aix-Marseille Univer
sit) Wesley Holliday (UC Berkeley) Jean-Philippe Narboux (CREPhAC, Unive
rsit de Strasbourg) Marc Wilson (University of Pittsburgh)

For the four contributed talks, all topics in the philosophy of mathematics
 are welcome, whatever their approach. The workshop is also open to phil
osophical talks presenting a link to mathematics that do not fall under 
the philosophy of mathematics in a strict sense.
Submission deadline: June 1, 2024.
Notification of acceptance (by email): July 15, 2024.
Length of talks: 45 minutes of presentation and 30 minutes of discussion. T
he languages of the workshop will be French and English.
Anonymous proposals (15 000 characters max) should be sent in format DOC, P
DF or RTF to the address <fpmw16@sciencesconf.org> with a copy to Emmylou H
affner <emmylou.haffner@ens.psl.eu> in an email entitled "FPMW16".

The workshop is supported financially by the Rseau Thmatique (RT) in 
Philosophy of Mathematics.

Scientific committee:
Marianna Antonutti (IHPST, Universit Paris 1 Panthon-Sorbonne) Julien
 Bernard (CGGG, Universit Aix-Marseille) Vincenzo De Risi (SPHERE, CNRS)
 Viviane Durand-Guerrier (IMAG, Universit de Montpellier) Emmylou Haffne
r (ITEM, CNRS, Chair) Brice Halimi (SPHERE, Universit Paris Cit) Fr
dric Jack (ADEF, Aix-Marseille Universit) Jean-Baptiste Joinet 
(IRPhil, Universit Lyon 3) Jean-Pierre Marquis (Universit de Montr
al) Francesca Poggiolesi (IHPST, CNRS) Ivahn Smadja (CAPHI, Universit de

Organization committee
Andrew Arana (AHP-PReST, Universit de Lorraine) Christophe Eckes (AHP-PR
eST, Universit de Lorraine) Baptiste Mls (AHP-PReST, CNRS)

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