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Assistant Professorship Philosophy of Science, Middlebury College
Assistant Professorship
Philosophy of Science
Middlebury College, Vermont
Application deadline: 11/4/2005
The Department of Philosophy at Middlebury College seeks an Assistant
Professor, tenure-track, with an AOS of philosophy of science, or history
and philosophy of science, beginning Sept 2006.
AOC: early modern philosophy, logic.
The department is particularly interested in candidates with broad
philosophical interests. The successful candidate will regularly teach
introductory and specialized courses in philosophy of science,
introductory logic, a rotation of early modern philosophy with other
courses of interest, and occasional courses in a college-wide first-year
seminar program with a required writing component. Candidates should
provide evidence of commitment to excellent teaching within a liberal arts
college environment and scholarly achievement.
Send letter of application with a statement of teaching interests,
curriculum vitae, sample of scholarly work, and three current letters of
recommendation, at least two of which must speak to teaching ability, to:
Professor Heidi Grasswick, Chair, Philosophy Department-Box A, Middlebury
College, Middlebury VT 05753. Review of applications will begin November
4th, and will continue until the position is filled. Middlebury College is
an Equal Opportunity Employer committed to hiring a diverse faculty to
complement the increasing diversity of the student body.