Logic List Mailing Archive

CfA: PhD Program in Mathematics and Physics, Udine (Italy), deadline: 20 June

Dear Colleagues,

The call for the PhD program in Mathematics and Physics at the University o
f Udine is online. The deadline for applications is June 20.

Information about the program can be found at https://www.dmif.uniud.it/dot
torato/smf/ while the call is at https://www.uniud.it/en/research/do-resear
n-to-the-phd-programmes-a-a-2024-2025-40th-cycle?set_language=en (English
 version) and at https://www.uniud.it/it/ricerca/lavorare-nella-ricerca/dot
al-dottorato-40deg-ciclo (Italian version).

The positions come with a three-year scholarship and some travel funding.

The starting date of the PhD program is November 1. The interviews for the 
selection of candidates will start online on July 8.

Notice that it is enough for candidates to obtain their Master degree befor
e the starting date of the PhD Program (and not before the expiry date of t
he call).

In 2024 we are especially interested in students willing to work in set the
ory (potential supervisor Vincenzo Dimonte) and connections with dynamical 
systems (potential supervisor Giovanni Panti). Udine's Mathematical Logic g
roup consists also of one post-doc researcher and two active PhD students (
two others will obtain their degrees in 2024). You can contact any of us if
 you have further queries about possible scientific projects. For administr
ative information please contact dottorato.rice@uniud.it<mailto:dottorato.r

Feel free to forward this email to anyone who might be interested in this o

Best wishes,



Alberto Marcone                                 alberto.marcone@uniud.it<ma

Dipartimento di Scienze Matematiche,

Informatiche e Fisiche

Universita' di Udine                                tel: +39-0432-558482

via delle Scienze 206                               fax: +39-0432-558499

33100 Udine

Italy                       http://users.dimi.uniud.it/~alberto.marcone/

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