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CfP: SAFA2024: The Fifth International Workshop on Systems and Algorithms for Formal Argumentation, 17 September, Hagen (Germany)

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Call for Papers
The Fifth International Workshop on Systems and Algorithms for Formal Argum


Co-located with the Tenth International Conference on Computational Models 
of Argument (COMMA'24), Hagen, Germany, https://comma2024.krportal.org

September 17, 2024

Computational models of argumentation are approaches that deal with the rep
resentation and interaction of arguments and counterarguments. These models
 can be applied in all areas that benefit from automatic decision-support s
uch as medicine, accounting, chemistry, and law. Many of these models were 
inspired by works within the fields of non-monotonic reasoning and logic pr
ogramming and therefore share the sometimes considerable computational comp
lexity of these approaches.

Algorithmic aspects of computational models of argumentation are an importa
nt area, as witnessed by the popularity of the International Competition on
 Computational Models of Argumentation (ICCMA). This workshop aims at compl
ementing the competition by providing a forum to present and discuss both s
ystems and algorithms dealing with all aspects of computational argumentati
on, in particular those approaches addressing the tracks of the competition
. A first workshop had been organised in 2016, a second one in 2018, a thir
d one in 2020 and a fourth one in 2022.

This workshop welcomes technical contributions in all areas dealing with al
gorithms and systems of formal argument. Topics of interest include, but ar
e not limited to:

* Algorithms for solving problems in abstract argumentation frameworks
* Algorithms for solving problems in structured argumentation frameworks (s
uch as ASPIC+,
  ABA, DeLP, and others)
* Computational complexity of problems in formal argumentation
* Advanced techniques that may be exploited for algorithmic purposes
* Parallel algorithms
* Approximation algorithms
* Web-based systems and argument mining
* Dialogue systems and strategic aspects of argumentation
* Machine learning and argumentation
* Design principles and software engineering aspects of tools for formal ar
* Metrics for evaluating algorithms
* Benchmark generation and empirical studies on real-world argumentation gr
* System descriptions of tools for formal argumentation

The workshop specifically welcomes preliminary works on the above topics. I
n particular, no systematic evaluations are needed for inclusion in the pro
gram. Finally, we welcome position papers that propose new tracks for the c
ompetition or discuss general matters related to it.

Keynote Speaker
Johannes P. Wallner
Title: Reasoning in Structured Argumentation: Assumption-based Argumentatio
n and ASPIC+

Important Dates
Paper submission deadline: 	July 8, 2024
Notification of acceptance:	August 9, 2024
Camera-ready version:	August 30, 2024
Workshop:	September 17, 2024


We invite papers, which have to be in English and formatted according to th
e CEUR-WS style (http://safa2024.argumentationcompetition.org/safa2024_late
x_template.zip), in the following two categories:

* Full technical papers (14 pages max., including references) are expected 
to report on new research that makes a substantial technical contribution t
o the field. Additional details may be included in an appendix, which, howe
ver, will be read at the discretion of the PC.
* Position papers (7 pages max., including references) can report on resear
ch in progress or other issues of interest to the SAFA community. Examples 
of work suitable for position paper submissions include: novel ideas whose 
scope is not large enough for a full paper; important implementation techni
ques; novel interesting benchmark problems; short experimental studies; int
eresting applications that are not yet completely solved or analysed; posit
ion or challenge papers.

Submissions are handled through the EasyChair conference management system 

All papers will be subject to blind peer review based on the standard crite
ria of relevance, significance of results, originality of ideas, soundness,
 and quality of the presentation.

All accepted papers will be published in the workshop proceedings via http:
//ceur-ws.org, and will be presented at the workshop. At least one author o
f each accepted paper must register for the workshop (through the COMMA 202
4 website, https://comma2024.krportal.org) and present the contribution.

* AnneMarie Borg (Utrecht University, Netherlands)
* Stefan Ellmauthaler (TU Dresden, Germany)
* Jean-Guy Mailly (Universit Toulouse Capitole, France)
* Andreas Niskanen (University of Helsinki, Finland)

Program Committee
Mario Alviano (University of Calabria, Italy) Stefano Bistarelli (Universit
 degli Studi di Perugia, Italy) Andrea Cohen (Universidad Nacional del S
ur, Argentina) Sylvie Doutre (Universit Toulouse Capitole, France) Matti
 Jrvisalo (University of Helsinki, Finland) Tuomo Lehtonen (University o
f Helsinki, Finland) Samer Nofal (German Jordanian University, Jordan) Daph
ne Odekerken (Utrecht University, Netherlands) Nir Oren (University of Aber
deen, United Kingdom) Odinaldo Rodrigues (King's College London, United Kin
gdom) Fabio Rossi (Universit degli Studi di Perugia, Italy) Francesco Sa
ntini (Universit degli Studi di Perugia, Italy) Mauro Vallati (Universit
y of Huddersfield, United Kingdom) Johannes Peter Wallner (TU Graz, Austria)


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