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CfP: [deadline tomorrow] 5th International Workshop on Automated (Co)inductive Theorem Proving (satelite to IJCAR 2024), 1-6 July 2024. Nancy (France)

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We are delighted to announce the Fifth International Workshop on Automated (Co)inductive Theorem Proving, an event dedicated to the latest developments in inductive and coinductive methods for verification. This workshop is a significant gathering for researchers and practitioners in the field, providing an invaluable opportunity to explore current challenges and innovations in computational verification.

Key Themes:

  *   Advances in inductive reasoning for recursive structures and loop-containing programs.
  *   Developments in coinductive methods and their growing relevance in verification and industrial applications.
  *   Cross-disciplinary collaboration to foster innovation in computational verification methods, including SMT, HOL, FOL, etc.

Featured Speakers Announcement: We are thrilled to announce that this year’s workshop will feature four distinguished invited speakers:

  *   Prof. Andrei Voronkov<http://voronkov.com/> from the University of Manchester and Ms. Petra Hozzová<https://logic-cs.at/phd/students/petra-hozzova/> from the Vienna University of Technology
  *   Prof. Dmitriy Traytel<https://traytel.bitbucket.io/> from the University of Copenhagen
  *   Dr. Stefan Hetzl<https://dmg.tuwien.ac.at/hetzl/> from the Vienna University of Technology

Call for Abstracts: We invite you to submit an extended abstract showcasing your latest research, findings, or ongoing studies in the field of automated (co)inductive theorem proving. This is a fantastic platform to share your work with a diverse and expert audience, engage in intellectual exchange, and contribute to the advancement of the field. We welcome studies and findings published within the last five years.

Submission Guidelines: abstracts are to be sent to wait.in.france@gmail.com<mailto:wait.in.france@gmail.com>

Length: 1-2 pages excluding references.

Recommended Format: easychair.cls<https://easychair.org/publications/easychair.zip>

Important Dates:

  *   Abstract Submission Deadline: 15 May.
  *   Notification of Acceptance: 1 June.

Workshop Format: The workshop will feature in-depth tutorials, talks by leading experts, and a panel discussion for interactive dialogue. It is an ideal setting for networking, collaboration, and gaining new insights into the challenges and opportunities in automated theorem proving.

Remote Participation: While on-site attendance is encouraged to fully benefit from the interactive nature of the workshop, provisions for remote participation will be available for wider accessibility.

Dissemination and Special Issue: Selected abstracts and presentation slides will be published on the workshop website. There’s also a plan for a special journal issue based on the workshop’s theme, subject to participant interest.

Join Us! Be a part of this stimulating event to discuss, learn, and contribute to the future of automated (co)inductive theorem proving. Don’t miss this opportunity to engage with a vibrant community and shape the future of verification techniques. We look forward to your submissions and participation!

For more information, please contact the organizers, Yutaka Nagashima and Sorin Stratulat at wait.in.france@gmail.com<mailto:wait.in.france@gmail.com>.
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