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CfR: LogIn Project Workshop: Amplifying underrepresented voices in formal philosophy, 26th April 2024, London (UK)

Last Reminder: Call for Registration – LogIn Project Workshop, Amplifying Underrepresented Voices in Formal Philosophy

Date: 26th April 2024
Venue: King's College London, Strand WC2R 2LS. Small Committee Room, K0.31

We are excited to announce the LogIn Project Workshop, to be held on April 26th, 2024, at King's College London.

The workshop aims to bring together researchers who work on formal philosophy broadly construed who are either members of traditionally underrepresented groups or who work outside of what is perceived as ``traditional’’ topics in logic and formal philosophy. It will be an occasion for dialogue between researchers who identify as members of underrepresented groups in academia and researchers who work on topics generally regarded as non-standard in the academic tradition. The workshop will be an in-person and online event linked to the LogIn podcast<https://open.spotify.com/show/4fuYcINiEWdO2A60B2arV6?si=281abb92d254445c>, which aims to amplify the voices of diverse researchers in logic and formal philosophy, and collects interviews about logic, formal philosophy and diversity in academia.


  *   Viviane Fairbank<https://vivianefairbank.ca/> (St Andrews)
  *   Frederique Jannsen-Lauret<https://research.manchester.ac.uk/en/persons/frederique.janssen-lauret> (Manchester)
  *   Helen Meskhidze<https://helenmeskhidze.com/> (Harvard)
  *   Ivan Restovic<https://www.researchgate.net/profile/Ivan-Restovic> (Zagreb)
  *   Gillian Russell<https://gillianrussell.net/> (ANU)
  *   Sara Uckelman<https://sluckelman.webspace.durham.ac.uk/> (Durham)

For a more detailed programme, see https://www.loginproject.org/events.

The conference will be hybrid, with an option for both online or in-person attendance.

Participation is free, but registration is required. Simply register by filling in the following form https://forms.gle/KvijmRRvCaMZ8AqH8.

Deadline for registration: 23rd April 2024.

We look forward to your attendance. For further information please email loginproject2022@gmail.com<mailto:loginproject2022@gmail.com> or maria.buonaguidi@kcl.ac.uk<mailto:maria.buonaguidi@kcl.ac.uk>.

Best regards,

The organising committee

Maria Beatrice Buonaguidi (KCL)

Giulia Schirripa (St Andrews and Stirling)

Elena Wüllhorst (KCL)

Matteo Zicchetti (Warsaw)
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