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CfA: PhD Position 5y fully funded in Correct-by-Design for Cyber-Physical Systems, Gothenburg (Sweden), Deadline: 15 April 24

CfA: Postdoc in Formal methods for autonomous systems, Gothenburg (Sweden), Deadline: 02 April 24

Join us in our quest for developing novel correct-by-design techniques for Cyber-Physical systems.

Join the SynTM research <https://lazkany.bitbucket.io/grants/syntm.html> group and be part of developing novel correct-by-design techniques for Cyber-Physical systems such as autonomous systems.

This position is part of a joint call (see below) at the department of Computer Science and Engineering, Chalmers University of Technology, Sweden. The position is salaried and fully funded for 5 years!.

The student will be placed in my group which is part of the Formal Methods research unit within the Computing Science division<https://www.chalmers.se/en/departments/cse/our-research/computing-science/> at the Computer Science and Engineering department of Chalmers | Gothenburg  university<https://www.chalmers.se/en/departments/cse/>. The unit and the broader division are lively environments with fun interactions between research areas such as Formal Verification, Functional Programming, Type Theory, Information Security and more. You will also have close contact with research leaders in the field such as Nir Piterman, Martin Fabian, and Gerardo Schneider.

Our research involves developing theories and techniques for formal verification of autonomous systems, e.g., controller synthesis, planning, run-time verification, model checking, etc. Moreover, we are open to techniques that leverage the use of formal verification in machine learning.

Currently, we are actively developing specialised tools for reconfigurable concurrent systems (the ReCiPe formalism, the R-CHECK Model-Checker, and the SynTM synthesis engine). Early results appeared in venues such as AAMAS, ACC, JAAMAS etc.

The position will be around verification of distributed autonomous systems sharing a physical space. The crucial point is how to efficiently model and reason about the space.

To apply:

  1.  Click this link of the joint call: https://www.chalmers.se/om-chalmers/arbeta-hos-oss/lediga-tjanster/?rmpage=job&rmjob=12588
  2.  Click Ansök button
  3.  In your application, select the following project as you first choice:

CS03    Yehia Abd Alrahman  Correct-by-Design Techniques for Cyber-Physical Systems<https://chalmers-my.sharepoint.com/:b:/g/personal/piterman_chalmers_se/ETyAf8TmsTtDvK5geCjeYtEBXuQgOlnbfeyyG3a4pWCphA?e=B3n45N>

Notice that you have to motivate your choice in your application letter.

Contact me for informal questions at: yehiaa [at]  Chalmers [dot] se

Best Regards,

Yehia Abd Alrahman<https://www.chalmers.se/en/persons/yehiaa/>

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