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Professorship in "Foundations of Science, Technology and Society", U Twente, Netherlands
University of Twente
The University of Twente is looking for a
Professor Foundations of Science, Technology and Society
The chair of Foundations of Science, Technology and Society (faculty of
Business, Public Administration and Technology) is part of the
interdisciplinary capacity group Science, Technology, Health and Policy
Studies. The group's research is internationally prominent. As far as
education is concerned, the group assists in various other training
programmes, for example for the technical faculties. The profile of the
chair has a focus on meso and macro studies of science, technology and
society. In particular, teaching and research in the overlapping areas of
new modes of knowledge production, science policy, technology and
innovation policy, and technology assessment.
You will have final responsibility for research and teaching in these
areas, as well as for their maintenance, further development and renewal.
Within this context you will direct and supervise the staff, in addition
to contributing to the group's general teaching duties and developing
educational modules for the bachelor and master programmes. You will also
be responsible for securing and carrying out 2nd and 3rd flow of funds
projects and activities and will supervise staff members and (doctoral)
students in their tasks and activities.
You have experience and a strong affinity with teaching and conducting
research. This also implies maintaining and extending national and
international (including EU) contacts. You can rely on international
networks, and your academic level is apparent from, for example,
international academic publications and other academic activities. It is
important that you are able to push out (knowledge) frontiers, manage
highly-skilled staff members from various disciplines and are able to act
as a bridge between other relevant disciplines. In addition, you are
competent in acquisition, supervision and execution of externally funded
research, and have demonstrable management skills.
The maximum salary for this function amounts to 8,006 per month; the
Collective Labour Agreement Dutch Universities is applicable.
For further information you can contact Prof Dr A. Rip, telephone
0031-53-489 33 45 (a.rip@utwente.nl) or visit
http://www.utwente.nl/vacatures/en/. Vacancy number 1100/05/094.
Your written application, together with a CV and list of publications, can
be sent to the adress below, referring the vacancy number. University of
Twente BBT Faculty Dean Prof Dr P.J.J. M. van Loon P.O. Box 217 7500 AE
E-Mail: p.j.j.vanloon@utwente.nl
Deadline: 31.10.2005