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CfP [EXTENDED]: FoIKS 2024, 13th Int. Symp. on Foundations of Information and Knowledge Systems, 8–11.04.2024, Sheffield (United Kingdom)

*Call for Papers*

13th International Symposium on Foundations of Information and Knowledge Sy
stems  FoIKS 2024


Extended Deadlines


(Extended) Abstract submission deadline:  11.12.2023 AoE ("anywhere on eart

(Extended) Paper submission deadline: 14.12.2023 AoE ("anywhere on earth")

Invited Speakers


* Georg Gottlob, University of Oxford

* Phokion Kolaitis, University of California Santa Cruz and IBM Research

* Andrei Popescu, University of Sheffield

* Uli Sattler, University of Manchester



The FoIKS symposia provide a biennial forum for presenting and discussing t
heoretical and applied research on information and knowledge systems. The g
oal is to bring together researchers with an interest in this subject, shar
e research experiences, promote collaboration and identify new issues and d
irections for future research.

FoIKS 2024 solicits original contributions (as well as extensions of previo
usly published contributions) dealing with any foundational aspect of infor
mation and knowledge systems. This includes submissions that apply ideas, t
heories or methods from specific disciplines to information and knowledge s
ystems. Examples of such disciplines are discrete mathematics, logic and al
gebra, model theory, information theory, (parameterized) complexity theory,
 algorithmics and computation, statistics, and optimisation, among, of cour
se, many others.

The FoIKS symposia are a forum for intensive discussions. Speakers will be 
given sufficient time to present their ideas and results within the larger 
context of their research. Furthermore, participants will be asked to prepa
re a first response to another contribution in order to initiate discussion.

Suggested topics


The suggested topics include, but are not limited to:

* Database Design: Formal models, dependencies and independencies

* Big Data: Models for data in the Cloud, programming languages for big dat
a, query processing

* Dynamics of Information: Models of transactions, concurrency control, upd
ates, consistency preservation, belief revision

* Information Fusion: Heterogeneity, views, schema dominance, multiple sour
ce information merging, reasoning under inconsistency

* Integrity and Constraint Management: Verification, validation, consistent
 query answering, information cleaning

* Intelligent Agents: Multi-agent systems, autonomous agents, foundations o
f software agents, cooperative agents, formal models of interactions, negot
iations and dialogue, logical models of emotions

* Knowledge Discovery and Information Retrieval: Machine learning, data min
ing, formal concept analysis and association rules, text mining, informatio
n extraction

* Knowledge Representation, Reasoning and Planning: Non-monotonic formalism
s, probabilistic and non-probabilistic models of uncertainty, graphical mod
els and independence, similarity-based reasoning, preference modeling and h
andling, computational models of argument, argumentation systems

* Logics in Databases and AI: Classical and non-classical logics, logic pro
gramming, description logics, spatial and temporal logics, probability logi
c, fuzzy logic

* Mathematical Foundations: Discrete structures and algorithms, graphs, gra
mmars, automata, abstract machines, finite model theory, information theory
, coding theory, (parameterised) complexity theory, randomness

* Security in Information and Knowledge Systems: Identity theft, privacy, t
rust, intrusion detection, access control, inference control, secure Web se
rvices, secure Semantic Web, risk management

* Semi-Structured Data and XML: Data modelling, data processing, data compr
ession, data exchange

* Social Computing: Collective intelligence and self-organizing knowledge, 
collaborative filtering, computational social choice, Boolean games, coalit
ion formation, reputation systems

* The Semantic Web and Knowledge Management: Languages, ontologies, agents,
 adaption, intelligent algorithms, ontology-based data access

* The WWW: Models of Web databases, Web dynamics, Web services, Web transac
tions and negotiations, Social Networks, Web Mining

Important Dates


All deadlines are at 23:59 UTC-12 (AoE, "anywhere on earth").

(Extended) Abstract submission deadline:  11.12.2023

(Extended) Paper submission deadline: 14.12.2023

Acceptance notifications: 29.01.2024

Camera-ready versions of accepted papers due: 08.02.2024

Early registration deadline: 08.03.2024

Late registration deadline: 01.04.2024

Conference: 811.04.2024

Submission Guidelines


For long papers, the page limit is 16 plus additional pages of references. 
For short papers, the maximum number of pages is 10 plus additional pages o
f references. Missing proofs or details can be optionally added as an addit
ional appendix read at the discretion of the program committee.

All papers must be original and not simultaneously submitted to another jou
rnal or conference. Resubmission of papers rejected in major conferences (e
.g., AAAI, ICDT, STACS) is welcome.

Papers must be typeset using the Springer LaTeX2e style llncs for Lecture N
otes in Computer Science (see https://www.springer.com/gp/computer-science/
lncs/conference-proceedings-guidelines and https://resource-cms.springernat
ure.com/springer-cms/rest/v1/content/19238648/data/v6). Submissions that de
viate substantially from these guidelines may be rejected without review.

Initial submissions must be in PDF format, but authors should keep in mind 
that the LaTeX2e source must be submitted for the final versions of accepte
d papers. Submissions in alternate formats, such as Microsoft Word, cannot 
be accepted for either initial or final versions. The submissions will be j
udged for scientific quality and for suitability as a basis for broader dis

Submission is via the EasyChair link https://easychair.org/conferences/?con



The proceedings will be published by Springer-Verlag in the Lecture Notes i
n Computer Science. After the symposium, authors of selected papers will be
 invited to submit extended journal versions of their papers for a FoIKS 20
24 special issue in the journal Knowledge Engineering Review (https://www.c
ambridge.org/core/journals/knowledge-engineering-review). Further details w
ill be provided on the conference website.



Program Committee Chairs:

Arne Meier, Leibniz Universitt Hannover, Germany

Magdalena Ortiz, TU Wien, Austria and Ume University, Sweden

Local Chair:

Jonni Virtema, University of Sheffield, UK

Local Organisers:

Timon Barlag, University of Sheffield, UK

Mike Cruchten, University of Sheffield, UK

Nina Pardal, University of Sheffield, UK

Max Sandstrm, University of Sheffield, UK

Publicity Chair:

Luca Gmez lvarez, TU Dresden, DE



All questions about submissions should be emailed to foiks24@easychair.org<


Dr. Luca Gmez lvarez
Computational Logic Group
Institute for Artificial Intelligence
Faculty of Computer Science
TU Dresden
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