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Doctoral Symposium at the 5th International Conference on Integrated Formal Methods (Nov 2005)

Doctoral Symposium at IFM 2005

PhD students are kindly invited to submit a contribution on their current 
research in integrated formal methods to the

   Doctoral Symposium of the 5th Int. Conf. on Integrated Formal Methods

   See http://www.win.tue.nl/ifm/ for the conference topics.

The doctoral symposium will take place in Eindhoven on November 29, right 
after the tutorial by Holger Hermanns, and one day before the main 
conference (Nov 30 - Dec 2), with invited talks by Patrice Godefroid, 
David Parnas and Doron Peled.

Reasons to submit
- the doctoral symposium gives you an excellent opportunity
   to present your work in an international setting, and to
   get feedback from senior researchers in the field

- the doctoral symposium lets you exchange knowledge and
   experiences with fellow PhD-students in a related topic.

- the best paper/presentation will be awarded by BCS-FACS

- the selected contributions will be published electronically on
   the website and distributed as hand-out during the conference

- a subset of the selected papers will be invited for an
   extended contribution to a post-conference proceedings
   (currently under negotiation with ENTCS)

What do we require?
Send a 5 page extended abstract in PS or PDF format to
ifm@win.tue.nl. This abstract should:
- contain your name, affiliation, and a 200 word abstract
- clearly identify the research question you are addressing
- present preliminary ideas for the proposed approach and the
   contributions and results so far
- contain a comparison with related work

Please also include a letter of recommendation by your advisor, stating 
your research topic and expected date of your dissertation, which should 
be later than the symposium.


Submissions will be reviewed by the conference chairs and selected for 
inclusion in the symposium on the basis of technical merit, presentation 
quality, and relevance to the conference topics.

Time schedule
17 oct 2005: submission of 5 pages (postscript/pdf) to ifm@win.tue.nl
21 oct 2005: notification of selected contributions
29 nov 2005: doctoral symposium
  2 dec 2005: afterthought and best student paper award.

IFM co-chairs (ifm@win.tue.nl)
   Jaco van de Pol, Judi Romijn, Graeme Smith