Logic List Mailing Archive
CfA: PhD scholarship in Computer Science: Model Checking for Malware Detection, Paris (France)
Please distribute (apologies for multiple postings):
A PhD scholarship in Computer Science in Paris: Model Checking for Malware (Virus) Detection
Contact: Tayssir TOUILI (touili@lipn.fr)
A PhD position is available in the Laboratoire d’Informatique de Paris-Nord (LIPN), Villetaneuse, France.
The recruited PhD student is expected to investigate and develop novel techniques, algorithms and tools for malware detection. The ultimate goal is to build a malware detector that beats the existing commercial malware detection tools.
More details can be found here:
How to apply:
The position is available immediately. Candidates must have a master in computer science and be good programmers.
The candidate must send a CV, university grades, recommendation letters, and a motivation letter to Tayssir TOUILI (touili@lipn.fr)
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