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Postdoctoral position in mathematical logic, Vienna (Austria)

Post-doctoral position in Mathematical Logic at the Technical University of 
Vienna, Austria.

I am offering a postdoctoral fellowship in Mathematical Logic at the 
research group in Computational Logic of the Institute of Discrete 
Mathematics and Geometry at the Technical University of Vienna (TU Wien) 
in Vienna, Austria.

The position is for 20 months, with the possibility of extension up to 36 
months. It is funded by a grant from the Austrian Science Foundation (FWF) 
led by Juan P. Aguilera. The fellow will conduct research independently, 
as well as together with Dr Aguilera and with the other members of the 
research group in Computational Logic and of the Institute of Discrete 
Mathematics and Geometry. Moreover, the research group has ties to other 
Logic groups in and outside of Austria, most notably the Logic and 
Analysis group at Ghent University, and international collaborations will 
be possible and encouraged.


The main goal of the post-doctoral fellowship is the use of methods from 
infinitary proof theory to attack some specific problems in Descriptive 
Set Theory. The fellow is to carry out research independently, as well as 
together with other group members. Applicants should hold a PhD (or be 
close to obtaining one) in Logic and have an excellent research record, as 
well as experience in at least one of the following areas:

*(Infinitary) Proof Theory,
*(Effective) Descriptive Set Theory,
*Subsystems of Second-Order Arithmetic or Set Theory, *Higher Recursion Theory.


Applicants should email Juan Aguilera <juan.aguilera@tuwien.ac.at> or
<juan.aguilera@ugent.be> and include all relevant documents as attachments.

–Practical Information

The salaries for the doctoral and post-doctoral positions are those set 
forth by the Austrian Science Foundation according to the Collective 
Bargaining Agreement. 

The beginning of the fellowship could be as late as November 2023, and as 
early as December 2022; the precise starting date is flexible. We will 
carry out monthly reviews of applications until the position is filled.
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