Logic List Mailing Archive

Two PhD student positions: belief revision / model checking, Toulouse (France)

Two PhD projects are proposed by the LILaC research group 
(www.irit.fr/LILaC/site/) at IRIT, at the University of Toulouse, France:

1) Belief revision for modal and epistemic logic.
Supervisory team: Johnathan Ben-naim and Andreas Herzig (bennaim@irit.fr , 

2) Model checking and automated mechanism design.
Supervisory team: Guillaume Feuillade and Laurent Perrussel 
(guillaume.feuillade@irit.fr, laurent.perrussel@ut-capitole.fr)

The selection of applicants will be in two steps: first at department 
level (April), then an interview at the doctoral school level (May). For 
more information and for applications please write to the contact persons 
of the relevant project.

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provided by a collaboration of the DVMLG, the Maths Departments in Bonn and Hamburg, and the ILLC at the Universiteit van Amsterdam