26-27 Oct 2021
Rotterdam, The Netherlands
*2nd ENCODE workshop: Logic and Deliberation (October 26&27th, Rotterdam)* https://www.eur.nl/en/esphil/events/encode-workshop-logic-and-deliberation-2021-10-26 In contemporary democratic theory and political science, the importance of group deliberation is stressed over and again. But what exact form should such deliberation take, and what can we expect from it? From an abstract perspective, group deliberation is a multi-agent process that involves two types of dynamics running in parallel. At the social level, there is the public exchange of beliefs, arguments, preferences and values that are supposedly relevant to a given decision. At the individual level, there is the revision of each participant?s personal attitudes, induced by and further inducing such exchanges, and the (often defeasible, non-monotonic) reasoning processes guiding such revision. Thus conceived, a plethora of formal methods from philosophical logic ? broadly speaking ? are relevant to the study of deliberation as a democratic ideal: i.a. the theory of rational belief revision; dynamic epistemic logic and logics of information dynamics more generally; non-monotonic (modal) logic; deontic logic (dealing with preferences, values, and their interaction with other information). In this workshop we welcome all presentations on original contributions in philosophical logic and formal philosophy more generally that are relevant for the study of deliberative, multi-agent decision processes and procedures. *Keynote Speakers: * ·Natacha Alechina (Dept. of Information and Computing Sciences, University of Utrecht) ·Zoé Christoff (Bernouilli Institute for Mathematics, Computer Science and Artificial Intelligence <https://www.rug.nl/research/bernoulli/>, University of Groningen) ·Dominik Klein (Dept. of Philosophy, University of Utrecht) ·Hannes Leitgeb (Munich Center for Mathematical Philosophy, Ludwig-Maximilians-Universität München). *Practical information:* In case you would like to present at the workshop, please send a title and short (approx. 250 words) abstract to vandeputte@esphil.eur.nl <mailto:vandeputte@esphil.eur.nl> before September 30th, 2021 with the subject ?abstract 2nd ENCODE workshop?. We will send out the notification of acceptance by October 5th. Contributing speakers will have 40 minutes (including Q&A). We expect to have around 12 slots for contributed talks, but will consider the possibility of adding another day in case we receive a high number of good submissions. We are happy to announce that the workshop can take place *in vivo* at the Erasmus University of Rotterdam (campus Woudestijn). We are currently looking into the possibility of having hybrid sessions / video lectures for participants who cannot make it on site, please write to vandeputte@esphil.eur.nl <mailto:vandeputte@esphil.eur.nl> if you have any questions in this regard. *Funding & organization: * The ENCODE workshops are organized bi-annually at the EIPE/ESPhil (Erasmus University of Rotterdam), as part of the NWO-funded ENCODE <https://www.eur.nl/en/esphil/encode>project (VI.Vidi.191.105). -- [LOGIC] mailing list http://www.dvmlg.de/mailingliste.html Archive: http://www.illc.uva.nl/LogicList/ provided by a collaboration of the DVMLG, the Maths Departments in Bonn and Hamburg, and the ILLC at the Universiteit van Amsterdam