Logic List Mailing Archive

PhD student position in coalgebra, Nijmegen (The Netherlands), Deadline: 11 Oct 2021

[From Herman Geuvers]


At Radboud Univbersity we have a PhD position in coalgebra, supervised
by Jurriaan Rot <jrot@cs.ru.nl<mailto:jrot@cs.ru.nl>>, see


In case you know a smart student in mathematics or computer science who
is interested in such a topic, and who would like to work in Nijmegen
for 4 years, please ask her/him to apply.
The deadline is 11 October, in principle, but that could be stretched a bit.


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provided by a collaboration of the DVMLG, the Maths Departments in Bonn and Hamburg, and the ILLC at the Universiteit van Amsterdam