Logic List Mailing Archive

Postdoctoral position (2y) in logical foundations of AI, Milano (Italy), Deadline: 30 Jun 2021

The Logic Group at the University of Milan 
http://filosofia.unimi.it/logic/ is thrilled to advertise a postdoc 
position (two years, renewable) within the project "Logical Foundations of 

The project will be developed within a research line contributing to 
bridging the gap between statistical methodologies at the basis of 
(supervised, unsupervised) Machine Learning and Logic in the development 
of AI.

We aim to develop Logics for Reasoning under Uncertainty and with limited 
resources to analyse and check transparency and trustworthiness of AI 
systems. Properties of interest include but are not limited to: Causality, 
Safety and Fairness.

The selected candidate will join a thriving research group based at the 
Department of Philosophy at the University of Milan, and will be working 
under the joint supervision of Marcello D'Agostino and Giuseppe Primiero 
(check out our members page http://www.filosofia.unimi.it/logic/members/ 
for more information about our group and research interests). They will be 
expected to contribute to the activities of the Logic Group, and to 
present and publish their results at high-standard conferences and 

The ideal applicant will hold a Ph.D. in Logic, obtained either within a 
philosophy, mathematics or computer science programme. The candidate is 
also required to have good basic knowledge of one or more of the following 
areas: Foundations of Resource-Bounded Logics; Epistemic and Non-Monotonic 
Logics; Logics of Uncertainty and Probabilistic Logics; Temporal Logics; 
Proof Theory; Verification (both model-checking and automated theorem 

For more information and link to the online application form, see 
http://www.filosofia.unimi.it/logic/open-positions/ .

Feel free to get in touch with Giuseppe Primiero 
(giuseppe.primiero@unimi.it mailto:giuseppe.primiero@unimi.it ) should you 
have any questions.

Logic Group Milan

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