Logic List Mailing Archive

"Explanation between Logic & Philosophy", Virtual

20-22 Sep 2021

Call for Papers for the conference

20-22 September 2021

The topic of the conference is the study of the notion of explanation in 
the context of logic and philosophy. Particular attention will be devoted 
to the history of the investigation on explanation, to the connections 
with conceptual and metaphysical grounding, and to related philosophical 
issues such as logical pluralism and anti-exceptionalism about logic. The 
conference is organised in the framework of the ANR JCJC project Bolzano's 
Insights, https://bolzano-insights.com/.

The conference will be held online through Zoom and will be open to anyone 
who is interested.

We invite submissions on any subject connected to the notion of formal 
explanation in logic and in philosophy. A title and abstract (max. 750 
words together with 2 or 3 keywords) should be submitted before the 30 
June 2021 via an e-mail to Francesco A. Genco at the address frgenco [at] 
gmail [dot] com.

Notifications will be sent out by 15 July 2021.

Keynote speakers:

- Fabrice Correia (University of Geneva, Switzerland)

- Orna Harari (Tel Aviv University, Israel)

- Ole Hjortland (University of Bergen, Norway)

- Carrie Jenkins (University of British Columbia, Canada)

For more information, please visit the webpage of the conference: https://bolzano-insights.com/445-2/

Francesco A. Genco

On behalf of the organizing committee:
Francesca Poggiolesi - IHPST (UMR 8590), CNRS and Université Paris 1 Panthéon-Sorbonne
Francesco A. Genco - IHPST (UMR 8590), CNRS and Université Paris 1 Panthéon-Sorbonne

The conference is organized in the context of the project


The project is funded by l?Agence Nationale de Recherche and hosted by IHPST (UMR 8590)

Principal Investigator: Francesca Poggiolesi

The three main aims of the project are: to elaborate a general account of grounding in the conceptual sciences, based on Bolzano?s insights; to unify the debate on grounding and mathematical explanation; to unify the debate on grounding and causation.
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