20-21 Sep 2021
Virtual and Bolzano, Italy
INTERNATIONAL WORKSHOP ON SEMANTIC WEB AND ONTOLOGY DESIGN FOR CULTURAL HERITAGE (SWODCH 2021)@ Bolzano Summer of Knowledge 2021 (BOSK II), September 20-21, Bolzano, Italyhttps://swodch2021.inf.unibz.it/ WORKSHOP SCOPE AND AIM SWODCH 2021 is the association of the 2nd edition of WODHSA (http://www.loa.istc.cnr.it/WODHSA/index.php/cfp/) and the 4th edition of SW4CH (https://sw4ch2018.ensma.fr/). It is also in continuation of the 1st edition of ODOCH (http://odoch19.uniroma1.it/odoch19/odoch19) and the special issue of the Semantic Web journal on ?Semantic Web for Cultural Heritage? (https://content.iospress.com/journals/semantic-web/12/2). The purpose of WODHSA is to gather original research work about both application and foundational issues emerging from the design of conceptual models, ontologies, and Semantic Web technologies for the Digital Humanities (DH). In fact, a plethora of heterogeneous and multi-format data currently available in the Digital Humanities domain asks for principled methodologies and technologies to semantically characterize, integrate, and reason on data and data models for analysis, visualization, retrieval, and other purposes. We are also interested in studies about the philosophical and social analysis of DH data and knowledge representation models. For instance, ontologies for the DH often require to take into account the historical and social dimensions of data. The research question is how to explicitly represent these dimensions in a way that is transparent and accessible to both humans and machines. We believe that making both modellers and users aware of the modelling choices laying behind models and applications, as well as studying the background theories of such modelling choices, enhance the transparency and reliability of computational resources, and therefore help users in better understanding and trusting them. The aim of SW4CH is to bring together stakeholders from various scientific fields, Computer Scientists, Data Scientists and Digital Humanists, involved in the development or deployment of Semantic Web solutions for Cultural Heritage. Cultural Heritage data is typically made available in diverse languages and formats. Knowledge representation can play an important role in making such resources mutually interoperable, so that it can be presented, linked and searched in a harmonized way. Early solutions were based on the syntactic/structural level of data, without leveraging the rich semantic structures underlying the content. Nowadays, institutions bring their data to the Semantic Web level, so the tasks of integrating, sharing, analysing and visualizing data are to be conceived in this new and very rich framework. The overall goal of SWODCH 2021 is to provide a scientific forum where scholars and stakeholders will have the opportunity to exchange ideas, experiences, and analyses, while presenting realizations and outcomes of relevant projects and discussing the related challenges. IMPORTANT DATES * Submission deadline: May 15, 2021 * Review notification: June 26, 2021 * Camera-ready: July 17, 2021 * Workshop: September 20-21, 2021 LIST OF TOPICS We seek original and high-quality submissions related (but not limited) to one or more of the following topic areas: * Conceptual analysis and ontology design for the Digital Humanities * Domain ontologies or conceptual models for history, history of arts, book studies, theatre, literature, editorial practices, archaeology, musicology, cultural and natural - heritage (including architectural heritage), among others. * Methodological aspects of ontology development for the Digital Humanities, including the need for modelling the social (contextual) dimension of both data and ontologies * Use of ontology design patterns * Case studies based on and lessons learned from the use of CIDOC-CRM or FRBR * Logical and ontological analysis of CIDOC-CRM or FRBR, e.g., with respect to foundational ontologies (DOLCE, UFO, BFO, etc.) * Application of formal ontology theories for knowledge representation or data management in the Digital Humanities * Philosophical and sociological analysis of both digital models and modelling practices in the Digital Humanities * Social studies on the policies towards the standardization of ontologies in the Digital Humanities * Semantic Web publishing, architectures and SW-based interaction for Cultural Heritage * Semantic Web content creation, annotation, and extraction * Ontology mapping, merging, and alignment * Virtual Cultural Heritage collections * Peer-to-peer Cultural Heritage architectures * E-infrastructures for Cultural Heritage * Interoperability, virtually integrated Cultural Heritage collections * Ontology-based data access or virtual knowledge graphs * Reasoning strategies (e.g. context, temporal, spatial) * Search, querying, and visualization of the Cultural Heritage on the Semantic Web * Personalized access of Cultural Heritage collections * Context-aware information presentation * Navigation and browsing (facets) * Social aspects in Cultural Heritage access and presentation * Trust and provenance issues in mixed collection and mixed vocabulary applications * Semantic Web-based applications for Cultural Heritage with clear lessons learned * Digital Libraries * Museums (virtual collections, mobile/ web-based museum guides) * Tourist services * Ambient Cultural Heritage * Creative industries SUBMISSION GUIDELINES We will accept two different types of contributions: * RESEARCH ARTICLES for presenting original unpublished work, neither submitted to, nor accepted for, any other venue. * EXTENDED ABSTRACTS for presenting work in progress, brief descriptions of doctoral theses, or general overviews of research projects. All the contributions to the workshop must be submitted according to the LNCS format and must comply with the LNCS formatting guidelines available at https://www.springer.com/gp/computer-science/lncs/conference-proceedings-guidelines. Submitted *research articles* must not be shorter than 10 pages and must not exceed 12 pages, including bibliography, while the submitted *extended abstracts* must not be shorter than 5 pages and not exceed 6 pages, including bibliography. Papers will be refereed and accepted on the basis of their scientific merit, originality and relevance to the workshop. Each paper will be reviewed by three Program Committee members. Papers must be submitted electronically in PDF, using this link: http://easychair.org/conferences/?conf=swodch2021. PUBLICATION Accepted papers will be published in a CEUR-WS volume.The authors of the best workshop papers will be invited to prepare extended versions of their papers after the workshop to be published in a journal special issue. ORGANIZING COMMITTEE * Antonis Bikakis, University College London, U.K. * Roberta Ferrario, ISTC-CNR, Italy * Stéphane Jean, University of Poitiers - ENSMA, France * Béatrice Markhoff, University François Rabelais de Tours, France * Alessandro Mosca, Free University of Bozen-Bolzano, Italy * Marianna Nicolosi Asmundo, University of Catania, Italy VENUE Due to the COVID-19 restrictions, the workshop will have a hybrid format, allowing both physical and virtual participation. -- [LOGIC] mailing list http://www.dvmlg.de/mailingliste.html Archive: http://www.illc.uva.nl/LogicList/ provided by a collaboration of the DVMLG, the Maths Departments in Bonn and Hamburg, and the ILLC at the Universiteit van Amsterdam