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World Logic Day 2021 in Tallinn, Virtual

14 Jan 2021

This Thursday 14 January is the 3rd World Logic Day (the 2nd under the
auspices of UNESCO), celebrated with events in many places throughout
the world. See here:


In Tallinn, we will host a lecture by Prof Herman Geuvers from Nijmegen, a 
renowned logician/type theorist who is a good friend of ours.

His talk will be at 14.00 Tallinn time (GMT+2), ie at 13.00 Central 
European Time (CET, GMT+1).

The Zoom link will appear on the below link of the Tallinn World Logic Day 
on the actual day of the event:


The title and abstract are below.

Welcome to join!

Niccol Veltri, Tarmo Uustalu


Deriving Derivation Rules from Truth Tables:
Classically, Constructively and Proof Reduction

Herman Geuvers, Radboud University and Technical University Eindhoven


We have developed a general method for deriving natural deduction rules
from the truth table for a connective. The method applies to both
constructive and classical logic and it produces derivation rules of a
generic form that lend themselves well to proof-theoretic
investigations, abstracting from the specific choice of connectives.

We have defined the notion of "detour conversion" (or "cut") and
"permutation conversion" for the constructive connectives. For the
well-known connectives, like 'and', 'or', 'implication', 'negation',
the constructive rules we derive are equivalent to the natural
deduction rules we know from Gentzen and Prawitz, both in terms of
logical derivability and in terms of proof reductions. However, our
rules have a different shape (closer to the "general elimination rules"
by Von Plato, but more general than those). For the constructive rules,
we also have completeness with respect to a Kripke semantics, which
emphasizes that also for the connectives that are not known as
constructive, like 'nand' and 'if-the-else', we really have
constructive rules.

In the talk I will give an overview of our work on this topic, by first
introducing the method and relating it to standard natural deduction.
Then we will analyze detour conversion and permutation conversion in
general for the constructive rules. Following the Curry-Howard
isomorphism, we assign proof-terms to deductions and we study
conversion of derivations as term reduction. We will prove strong
normalisation for the union of detour conversion and permutation
conversion, for any set of constructive rules. If time permits, we will
look into ongoing work on proof-reduction for deductions in the
classical variant of the logic.

Joint work with Tonny Hurkens and Iris van der Giessen.

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