Logic List Mailing Archive

7th Augustus de Morgan Workshop: Interactive Logic (London, November 2005)

      Games and Social Software


7th Augustus de Morgan Workshop
King's College London
November 4-7, 2005

Organizers: Johan van Benthem (Amsterdam/Stanford), Dov Gabbay (London), 
Benedikt Loewe (Amsterdam), Jane Spurr (London).

Traditionally, logic has dealt with the zero-agent notion of truth and the 
one-agent notion of reasoning. In the last decades, research focus in 
logic shifted from these topics to the vast field of "interactive logic", 
encompassing logics of communication and interaction. The main 
applications of this move to n-agent notions are logical approaches to 
games and social software. The wealth of applications in these areas will 
be the focus of the 7th Augustus de Morgan Workshop.

Speakers will include:

     * Samson Abramsky (Oxford)
     * Krzysztof Apt (Amsterdam/Singapore)
     * Julian Bradfield (Edinburgh)
     * Adam Brandenburger (New York NY)
     * Valentin Goranko (Johannesburg)
     * Erich Graedel (Aachen)
     * Wilfrid Hodges (London)
     * Barteld Kooi (Groningen)
     * Eric Pacuit (New York NY)
     * Rohit Parikh (New York NY)
     * Marc Pauly (Toulouse)
     * Andres Perea (Maastricht)
     * Olivier Roy (Amsterdam)
     * Brian Semmes (Amsterdam)
     * Merlijn Sevenster (Amsterdam)
     * Jouko Vaeaenaenen (Helsinki)
     * Robert van Rooij (Amsterdam)
     * Wiebe van der Hoek (Liverpool)
     * Philip Welch (Bristol)