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Assistant Professor in Philosophy (Phil Mind/Science/ Epistemology), Central European University, Budapest (Hungary)
Faculty Position in Philosophy
The Department of Philosophy at the Central European University invites
applications for a full-time position as assistant professor.
The Central European University (www.ceu.hu) is a graduate
research-intensive university specializing primarily in the social
sciences and humanities, located in Budapest, Hungary and chartered as a
degree-granting institution in the United States and in Hungary. CEU's
primary mission is to promote academic excellence, state of the art
research and civic commitment, so as to contribute to the development of
open societies in Central and Eastern Europe, the former Soviet Union, and
other emerging democracies. CEU offers both master's and doctoral
programs, and it enrolls about 1000 students from more than 60 countries,
including all former communist countries. The teaching staff consists of
around 100 faculty members from more than 30 countries. The language of
instruction is English. The philosophy department, however, presently
offers only a Ph. D program, admitting an average of eight students per
year. There are students from most of the major countries in the region,
and the program is based on the American model.
The position is for an assistant professor. All candidates must have a
Ph.D. or equivalent degree. We are particularly interested in candidates
with an expertise in philosophy of mind, philosophy of language,
epistemology, metaphysics or philosophy of science.
Applications from candidates who are willing to make a long-term
commitment to working and living in the region are particularly welcome.
The initial appointment is for 4 years and is renewable. Salary and
benefits are dependent upon qualifications and experience. The
compensation package is subject to Hungarian taxation regulations. The
university assists its employees who are not citizens or permanent
residents of Hungary to obtain the work permit. The position is open from
August 2005. Please send applications to the Rector of CEU, c/o Eszter
Kotsis, Human Resources Office, Central European University, H-1051
Budapest, N?dor u. 9., Hungary (Fax: + 36 (1) 235-6135, e-mail:
CEU-HRO@ceu.hu). The application package should include: C.V., a list of
publications, a sample publication, a short statement about the
applicant's research plans, and the names and addresses of at least three
Applications must be received by May 23, 2005 to be considered.
CEU is an equal opportunity employer.