Tome I


Gerhard Heinzmann, Benedikt Löwe, éditeurs.
Science's Voice of Reflection.
Comptes Rendus de l'Académie Internationale de Philosophie des Sciences, Tome I.
Brussels: Académie Internationale de Philosophie des Sciences, 2022.

Print edition.
London: College Publications, 2022.
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pdficon Entire Volume.
pdficon Cover.
pdficon Title pages (pages i-iv).
pdficon Frontmatter (pages v-xvi).
pdficon Benedikt Löwe. The electronic book series Comptes Rendus de l'Académie Internationale de Philosophie des Sciences (pages vii-xii).
pdficon Gerhard Heinzmann & Benedikt Löwe. Science's voice of reflection (pages xiii-xvi).
pdficon Marco Buzzoni. Disunity in the philosophy of science: for and against (pages 1-24).
pdficon Alberto Cordero. Cooperation and conflict between philosophers of science and scientists (pages 25-39).
pdficon Brigitte Falkenburg. The two cultures–old and new debates on philosophy and the sciences (pages 41-57).
pdficon Inkeri Koskinen. Engaging or not engaging with transdisciplinary research: on methodological choices in philosophical case studies (pages 59-74).
pdficon Fabio Minazzi. Historical epistemology as a meta-reflection between science and philosophy (pages 75-109).