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Celebrating & Commemorating: Engeler's 90th birthday and Specker's centenary

21-22 Feb 2020
Zuerich, Switzerland

On February 21 and 22, 2020, we will organize at the ETH Zurich, Switzerland, 
the meeting:

*Celebrating and Commemorating**
**Celebrating Erwin Engeler?s 90th Birthday and Commemorating Ernst Specker?s 
In Feb­ru­ary 2020 will be Ernst Specker?s cen­ten­ary and Er­win Engeler?s 
90th birth­day. The An­nual Meet­ing 2020 of the Swiss So­ci­ety for Lo­gic and 
Philo­sophy of Sci­ence will cel­eb­rate these two great and big birth­days. 
Suc­ceed­ing Paul Bernays, these two prom­in­ent sci­ent­ists from Zurich had a 
sus­tain­able im­pact on math­em­at­ical lo­gic and its re­la­tion to 
philo­sophy and in­form­at­ics in the second half of the 20th cen­tury.

The goal of the con­fer­ence is to re­call the work of those two great Swiss 
lo­gi­cians and to point to its con­tinu­ing signi­fic­ance and 
ef­fect­ive­ness. As this work is at the in­ter­face between math­em­at­ics, 
lo­gic, philo­sophy, in­form­at­ics and phys­ics, the con­fer­ence will be of 
spe­cial in­terest for re­search­ers and stu­dents in those dif­fer­ent 
sci­entific discip­lines.

The confirmed speakers include:
Karl Aberer (Lausanne)
Beat Brüderlin (Ilmenau)
Jürg Fröhlich (Zürich)
Erich Grädel (Aachen)
Wolfgang Küchlin (Tübin­gen)
An­gus Macintyre (Lon­don)
Ro­man Mäder (Zürich)
Janos Makowsky (Haifa)
Preda Mi­hailescu (Göttin­gen)
Stefan Wolf and Arne Hansen (Bern/Lugano)
Stathis Zachos (Athens)

The participation is free of charge. If you like to attend the conference 
dinner on Friday evening (CHF 100,- without drinks) please register up to 
February 2nd by sending an email to Giovanni Sommaruga 

More information can be found at the following web page:


Thie con­fer­ence is sup­por­ted by the Swiss Academy of Sci­ences as well as 
by the Swiss Math­em­at­ical So­ci­ety.

Gerhard Jäger, Bern
Reinhard Kahle, Tübingen
Giovanni Sommaruga, Zurich

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