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Workshop "Norms, Reasoning and Knowledge in Technology" (Boxmeer, The Netherlands, June 2005)

Norms, Reasoning and Knowledge in Technology Workshop
June 3-4, 2005
Boxmeer, The Netherlands


On the weekend of June 3--4, 2005, the Philosophy Dept. of the Technical
University of Eindhoven is hosting a workshop titled ``Norms, Reasoning
and Knowledge in Technology,'' at Het Huis Elzendaal in Boxmeer, the
Netherlands. The conference is part of the ongoing Norms in Knowledge NWO

The broad aim of the conference is to make clearer some of the norms which
arise from technological reasoning and knowledge. What features of
technological reasoning yield prescriptions in the engineering and design
process and how do these prescriptions bind? Which different forms of
reasoning (practical, diagrammatic, heuristic) appear in the engineering
practice and what norms of rationality apply to each? We are also
interested in the relationship between technological knowledge and
technological reasoning. What are the distinctive features of
technological knowledge and how does this knowledge enter the reasoning
and design process? Are norms of technological knowledge different from
norms of knowledge generally? What is the normative status of rules of
thumb, good engineering practice, functional knowledge, etc.?

The broad aim of the conference is graphically represented in the
following triangle. We want to understand the relationship between the top
two vertices and also to be clearer on how reasoning and knowledge yields
and is constrained by norms in engineering and design.