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Call for Nominations: S. Barry Cooper Prize, Deadline: 17 Jan 2020

Call for Nominations for the S.Barry Cooper Prize is now open.

Nominations for the award should be submitted by email to the Award 
Committee Chair

Anuj Dawar (University of Cambridge) anuj.dawar@cl.cam.ac.uk

Any emails and related messages should have the subject line starting with 
?S. Barry Cooper Prize 2020?.

To be considered, nominations for the 2020 Prize must be received by

17 January, 2020.

A nomination package should include:

1. A statement of motivation for awarding the prize to the nominee, 
including: the nominee?s outstanding results, their seminal and lasting 
theory building and/or exceptional service to the research communities, as 
the case may be.

These should be supported by at least one of

? A list of the most important publications, accompanied by a brief 
summary of the technical content of the papers and a brief explanation of 
their significance. Where possible, this should include pointers to online 
versions of the publications.

? A statement explaining the role played and the exceptional services 
rendered by the nominee, in the research communities involved in 
computability and related areas.

2. A support letter or letters signed by at least two members of the 
scientific community. The nomination package must be in English, but it 
may include reference to publications in other languages.

Selection Process

The Award Committee is solely responsible for the selection of the winner of 
the award. All matters relating to the selection process that are not specified 
here are left to the discretion of the Award Committee, whose decision will be 

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