Logic List Mailing Archive

XI Jesienna Konferencja Logiki

29-30 Nov 2019
Lublin, Poland

XI Autumn Conference in Logic
(XI Jesienna Konferencja Logiki)

Call for abstracts:
The conference will take place in Lublin at the Catholic University of
Lublin (Poland) on November 29-30, 2019. The subject this year will be
"Advances in Philosophical Logic". Contributions are welcome from the
broadly understood philosophical logic including (not exclusively):
various versions of modal, temporal, epistemic, and deontic logic;
constructive logics; relevance and other sub-classical logics;
many-valued logics; logics of conditionals; quantum logic; decision
theory, logics of belief change, and formal epistemology.
Languages: English and Polish

Invited keynote speakers:
Valentin Goranko, Stockholm University
Ondrej Majer, Czech Academy of Science
Antonino Rotolo, University of Bologna
Marek Sergot, Imperial College London

Important dates:
Deadline for abstracts: 31-10-2019
Notification of acceptance: 08-11-2019
Conference: 29-11-2019 ? 30-11-2019 (Friday ? Saturday)

Conference fee 30 euro (or 100 PLN) by 15-11-2019
Location: The John Paul II Catholic University of Lublin
Al. Rac?awickie 14, 20-950 Lublin, Poland

Submissions via easichair: https://easychair.org/conferences/?conf=jkl2019

Alicja Pluta

Piotr Kulicki,
Department of Fundation of Computer Science, KUL
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