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QLDI 2019: Quantum Programming Languages Design & Implementation

23-27 Sep 2019
Verona, Italy

QLDI Summer School in Verona (Italy) - Call for Applications

Quantum computing is the design of hardware and software that replaces 
Boolean logic by quantum laws. Quantum devices are still under development 
as are quantum languages, whose incremental evolution follows the progress 
in the construction of the hardware on which they are supposed to be 
implemented. Starting with D-Wave Systems, the first quantum computing 
company founded in 1999, a number of companies, such as IBM, Google, 
Microsoft, Rigetti, Zapata and Xanadu are striving to build scalable, 
fault-tolerant quantum computers and design software architectures for 
programming quantum algorithms on them. The common endeavour is to 
demonstrate quantum systems? capabilities that are beyond today?s 
classical systems.

The Summer School on Quantum Programming Languages Design and 
is aimed at giving the students an as thorough as possible view of the 
state-of-the-art research on Quantum Programming Languages at the 
different levels of programming: from assembly languages to higher level 
and universal languages that can run on all quantum devices. Both 
theoretical and implementation aspects will be addressed; in particular, 
we will offer laboratory sessions in which the students will be able to 
experience quantum programming and implement quantum algorithms using 
Qiskit library (https://qiskit.org<https://qiskit.org/>).

The deadline for application is September 1, 
2019<x-apple-data-detectors://8>. Information at the school website: 

Please be advised that Verona is a busy city and it might be difficult to 
find an accommodation if not booked well in advance.

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provided by a collaboration of the DVMLG, the Maths Departments in Bonn and Hamburg, and the ILLC at the Universiteit van Amsterdam