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SAGA 2005: Stochastic Algorithms, Foundations and Applications (Moscow, October 2005)

Call for Papers

                                   SAGA 2005

      3rd Symposium on Stochastic Algorithms, Foundations and Applications
       (Symposium Stochastische Algorithmen, Grundlagen und Anwendungen)

                           Moscow, October 20-22, 2005

                                 Organised by
          Moscow State University, Faculty of Mechanics and Mathematics,
                      Department of Discrete Mathematics
                             Moscow, 119992 Russia




The 3rd Symposium on Stochastic Algorithms, Foundations and Applications
(SAGA'05) will be held in Moscow (Russia) from 20th to 22nd October 2005.
The symposium offers the opportunity to present original research on the
analysis, implementation, experimental evaluation and real-world
application of stochastic algorithms. In particular, the focus of
SAGA'05 is on new algorithmic ideas involving stochastic decisions and
the design and evaluation of stochastic algorithms within realistic
scenarios. Thus, the symposium wants to foster the co-operation between
practitioners and theoreticians from this research area.


Original research papers (including significant work-in-progress and work
identifying and exploring directions of future research) or state-of-the-
art surveys are invited on all aspects of algorithms employing stochastic
components, including, but not limited to:

-  Stochastic algorithms in combinatorial optimisation
-  Randomised methods in Boolean functions analysis
-  Stochastic local search methods
-  Randomness and complexity
-  Memetic algorithms
-  Stochastic algorithms in Bioinformatics
-  Machine learning methods
-  Stochastic automata
-  Evolvability and self-replication
-  Average-case behaviour and experimental analysis
-  Real-world applications


Moscow State University
Main Building
Leninskie Gory
Moscow, 119992 Russia


Contributions should consist of a cover page, with the author's full name,
address, fax number, e-mail address, a 100-word abstract and keywords
(for electronic submission, this page should be in the form of a
separate ascii-only e-mail); an extended abstract describing original
research in no more than 10 pages, using the Springer LNCS style; an
optional appendix, with more details to be read/consulted at the
discretion of the Program Committee.

It is planned to publish the proceedings in the Lecture Notes in
Computer Science series by Springer-Verlag

Submissions should be made by e-mailing a postscript file to


It is expected that accepted papers will be presented at the conference.
Simultaneous submission to other conferences with published proceedings
is not allowed.

For physical submissions, send 10 copies of the extended abstract to

SAGA 2005
Department of Discrete Mathematics
Faculty of Mechanics and Mathematics
Moscow State University
Moscow, 119992 Russia

Important Dates:

Submission deadline              June 05, 2005
Notification to authors          July 11, 2005
Final version due                July 22, 2005
Symposium                  October 20-22, 2005

Programme Committee:

      Andreas A. Albrecht (Hertfordshire University, UK)
      Amihood Amir (Bar-Ilan University, Israel and Georgia Tech, USA)
      Michael A. Bender (State University New York, USA)
      Alexander Chashkin (Moscow State University, Russia)
      Walter Gutjahr (Vienna University, Austria)
      Juraj Hromkovic (ETH Zurich, Switzerland)
      Costas S. Iliopoulos (King's College London, UK)
      Oktay M. Kasim-Zade (Moscow State University, Russia, Co-Chair)
      Irwin King (CUHK, Hong Kong)
      Gad M. Landau (University of Haifa, Israel)
      Oleg B. Lupanov (Moscow State University, Russia, Co-Chair)
      Kunsoo Park (Seoul National University, Korea)
      Irina Perfilieva (Ostrava University, Czech Republic)
      Tomasz Radzik (King's College London, UK)
      Martin Sauerhoff (University Dortmund, Germany)
      Christian Scheideler (Johns Hopkins University, USA)
      Kathleen Steinh?fel (FhG FIRST, Germany)
      Peter Widmayer (ETH Zurich, Switzerland)
      Thomas Zeugmann (Sapporo University, Japan)

Invited Speakers:

      Chrystopher Nehaniv (University of Hertfordshire, UK)
      Alexander A. Sapozhenko (MSU, Russia)
      Joachim Wegener (DaimlerChrysler AG, Research and Technology, Germany
      Christos D. Zaroliagis (University of Patras, Greece)

Local Contact:

SAGA 2005
Department of Discrete Mathematics
Faculty of Mechanics and Mathematics
Moscow State University
Moscow, 119992 Russia

Phone: ++7 095 9394268
Fax:   ++7 095 9392090
Email: SAGA05@dcs.kcl.ac.uk

Further information can be found at


