Logic List Mailing Archive

PhDs in Logic XI

24-26 Apr 2019
Bern, Switzerland

PhDs in Logic XI
April 24-26, 2019
University of Bern, Switzerland

The 11th edition of PhDs in Logic will take place in Bern on April 24-26 
2019 at the Institutes of Mathematics and Computer Science of the 
University of Bern.

PhDs in Logic is an annual graduate conference organised by local graduate 
students. This interdisciplinary conference welcomes contributions to 
various topics in mathematical logic, philosophical logic, and logic in 
computer science. It usually involves tutorials by established researchers 
as well as short presentations by PhD students, master students and 
first-year postdocs on their research. This edition of the conference will 
involve six tutorials in total, three of which will be delivered by young 

Earlier editions of the event took place in Ghent (2009, 2012), Tilburg 
(2010), Brussels (2011), Munich (2013), Utrecht (2014), Vienna (2015), 
Darmstadt (2016), Bochum (2017) and Prague (2018).


Ronald de Haan (ILLC, University of Amsterdam)
Gerhard Jäger (University of Bern) [to be confirmed]
Alessandra Palmigiano (Delft University of Technology)
Luca Reggio (Laboratoire J. A. Dieudonné, University of Nice)
Francesca Toni (Imperial College London)
Amanda Vidal (Czech Academy of Sciences)


Francesco Berto (University of St. Andrews)
Nick Bezhanishvili (ILLC, University of Amsterdam)
Marta Bílková (Charles University Prague)
Agata Ciabattoni (TU Wien)
Fabrice Correia (University of Geneva)
José Gil-Férez (University of Bern)
Umberto Grandi (University of Toulouse 1)
Helle Hvid Hansen (TU Delft)
George Metcalfe (University of Bern)
Sara Negri (University of Helsinki)
Francesca Poggiolesi (University of Paris 1)
Floris Roelofsen (ILLC, University of Amsterdam)
Alexandra Silva (University College London)
Dima Sinapova (University of Illinois at Chicago)
Thomas Studer (University of Bern)


Almudena Colacito (University of Bern)
Eveline Lehmann (University of Bern)
Arianna Novaro (IRIT, University of Toulouse)
Nenad Savi? (University of Bern)
Olim Tuyt (University of Bern)


PhD students, master students, and first-year postdocs in logic from 
disciplines that include but are not limited to computer science, 
mathematics, and philosophy are invited to submit an extended abstract on 
their research.

Abstracts of contributed talks of 2 pages (not including references) are 
to be prepared using the EasyChair class style and submitted via 
EasyChair. Each abstract will be reviewed by the scientific committee. The 
accepted abstracts will be presented by their authors in a short 
presentation during the conference.

The deadline for contribution is on 7th of January 2019, and the 
notification of acceptance will be sent by 22nd of February 2019.

We welcome students to participate in PhDs in Logic XI regardless of 
whether they want to submit a contribution. We also encourage students and 
postdocs in logic from disciplines other than computer science, 
mathematics, and philosophy to apply.


For more information, see 
https://mathsites.unibe.ch/phdlogic2019/index.html or contact Almudena 
Colacito at almudena.colacito@math.unibe.ch
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provided by a collaboration of the DVMLG, the Maths Departments in Bonn and Hamburg, and the ILLC at the Universiteit van Amsterdam