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20th International Conference on Automated Deduction, Tallinn (Estonia, July 2005)

        20th International Conference on Automated Deduction
             Tallinn, Estonia, July 22 - July 27, 2005

                          FINAL CALL FOR PAPERS

   Important dates:

   E-submission of title and abstract:  February 25, 2005
   E-submission papers:                 March 4, 2005
   Notification of acceptance:          April 22, 2005

For further updated information and submission
instructions, see the updated CADE-20 web page:


For updated information about workshops and tutorials:



CADE is the major forum for the presentation of research
in all aspects of automated deduction.

   -Logics of interest include propositional, first-order, equational,
higher-order, classical, intuitionistic, constructive, modal,
temporal, many-valued, substructural, description, and meta-logics,
logical frameworks, type theory and set theory.

   -Methods of interest include saturation, resolution, tableaux,
sequent calculi, term rewriting, induction, unification, constraint
solving, decision procedures, model generation, model checking,
natural deduction, proof planning, proof presentation, proof checking,
and explanation.

   -Applications of interest include hardware and software development,
systems analysis and verification, deductive databases, functional and
logic programming, computer mathematics, natural language processing,
computational linguistics, robotics, planning, knowledge
representation, and other areas of AI.

      Paper submission:

Submission is electronic in postscript or PDF format. Submitted papers
must conform to the Springer LNCS style, preferrably using LaTeX2e and
the Springer llncs class files.  Submissions can be full papers, for
work on foundations, applications or implementation techniques (15
pages), as well as system descriptions (5 pages), for describing
publicly available systems.  For further information and submission
instructions, see the updated CADE-20 web page:


    Organizing Chair:                 Tanel Tammet (Tallinn TU)
    Workshop and Tutorial Chair:      Frank Pfenning (CMU)
    Program Chair:                    Robert Nieuwenhuis (UPC Barcelona)
    Publicity Chair:                  Brigitte Pientka (McGill)

           Invited talks:

- Randal Bryant (CMU),
- Gilles Dowek (Ecole Polytechnique)
- Frank Wolter (U. Liverpool).

           Invited tutorials:

- Bruno Blanchet
   An Automatic Security Protocol Verifier based on
   Resolution Theorem Proving

- Enrico Giunchiglia
   Beyond SAT: QSAT, and SAT-based Decision Procedures

           Workshops and tutorials:   July 22-23, 2005

- Empirically Successful Classical Automated Reasoning (ESCAR)
   Geoff Sutcliffe, Stephan Schulz, and Bernd Fischer

- Workshop on Disproving: Non-Theorems, Non-Validity, Non-Provability
   Wolfgang Ahrendt, Peter Baumgartner and Hans de Nivelle

-  Empirically Successful Classical Automated Reasoning (ESCAR)
    Geoff Sutcliffe, Stephan Schulz, and Bernd Fischer

- Constraints in Formal Verification 2005 (CFV'05).
   Joao Marques-Silva, Miroslav Velev

- Tutorial: Integrating Object-Oriented Design and
              Deductive Verification of Software
   Wolfgang Ahrendt, Bernhard Beckert, Reiner Haehnle, Peter Schmitt